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Minor Requirements

Minor Requirements

A minor in Creative Work requires 15 hours of approved coursework. A minimum of 4 courses (12 hours) must be taken in residence. A course listed as a capstone may count as a CW-elective if another capstone course is completed to fulfill that requirement.

Up to 6 CW-elective hours may be satisfied by an internship with local arts organizations, or by a suitable Senior Honors Thesis, with approval from the minor director. In addition, a Senior Honors Thesis or 4000-level approved course may satisfy the capstone requirement with permission from the minor director.

In courses used to fulfill minor requirements, a 3.0 minimum cumulative GPA is required for graduation. No more than two courses from this minor may be shared with other majors or minors. In each instance, further sharing with additional majors or minors is prohibited.

Classes in boldface type indicate a course is being offered Fall 2025 and/or Spring 2026.

I. HON 3310H: Creativity at Work (3 hours)

II. HON 4315H: Artists at Work (3 hours)


AAS 3301: Hip Hop History and Culture
CHIN 3350: Chinese Culture Through Films
CLAS 3380: Epic Masculinity
CLAS 3381: From Homer to Hollywood
ENGL 3367: Gay and Lesbian Literature
GERM 3364H: Writing Holocausts
GERM 3381: History of German Cinema
HIST 3307H: Houston Migration and Immigration
HIST 3323H: Writing and Editing for a History Magazine
HIST 3324H: Oral History
HIST 3327H: Houston Since 1836
HON 3311H: Creative Cities
HON 3312H: Immersion Journalism
HON 3313H: Nations and Imaginations
HON 3314H: Research and Writing in the Humanities
HON 4330H: Narratives in the Professions
ITAL 3306: Italian Cinema
ITAL 3309: Women Writers and Filmmakers of Modern Italy
ITAL 4308: Dante and His World
MAS 3341 Mexican American Experience Through Film
MUSI 3303: Pop Music of America in 1840
PHIL 3361: Philosophy of Art
WCL 2351H: World Cultures Through Literature and Art
WCL 3373: Gender and Sexuality in World Film
WCL 4367:Voices from Exile and Diaspora