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As an interdisciplinary minor housed in the Honors College, Phronēsis: A Program in Politics and Ethics focuses on questions and issues that leaders and citizens are likely to confront in a self-governing political society.

For the minor in Phronēsis, a student must complete 19 semester hours of approved coursework; all courses must be Honors sections or approved for Honors credit by the Phronēsis advisor.

Classes in boldface type indicate a course is being offered Fall 2025 and/or Spring 2026.

I. HON 2101H (1 hour) + ENGL 2361H or HON 2341H (3 hours): The Human Situation: Modernity (4 hours)

II. PHIL 3358H: Classics in the History of Ethics (3 hours)

III. POLS 3310H: Introduction to Political Theory (3 hours)

IV. Category Requirement: ANTIQUITY (3 hours):

CLAS 3341H: The Roman Republic
CLAS 3350H: Law and Society in Ancient Rome
ENGL 4360H: The Bible as Literature
HON 3374H: History & Politics in the Hebrew Bible
HON 3375H: Law & Ethics in the Near Middle East
HON 3397H: The Ancient Greek Mind
PHIL 3382H: Medieval Philosophy
PHIL 3383H: History of Ancient Philosophy
POLS 3340H: Ancient and Medieval Political Thought
POLS 4346H: Greek Political Thought

V. Category Requirement: MODERNITY (3 hours):

ENGL 3306H: Shakespeare-Major Works
ENGL 3352H: 19th Century American Fiction
HIST 4338H: Enlightenment Stories
HON 3371H: Russian Imperial History
HON 3376H: Constitutional Cases and Controversies
HON 3378H: Writing the Nation
HON 3397H: Epic after Antiquity
HON 3397H: Hegel, Marx, and Du Bois: Philosophies of Revolution
HON 3397H: Shakespeare's Greek and Roman Plays
PHIL 3304H: History of 17th Century Philosophy
PHIL 3305H: History of 18th Century Philosophy
PHIL 3386H: 19th Century Philosophy
POLS 3341H: Foundations of Modern Politics
POLS 3349H: American Political Thought
POLS 3361H/ENGL 3309H: Politics and Literature

VI. Category Requirement: CONTEMPORARY (3 hours):

ENGL 4373H: Film, Text, and Politics
HIST 4361H: 20th Century Genocides
HON 3373H: Heterodoxy
HON 3377H: American Legal History: Civil War to Civil Rights
HON 3390H: Lence Seminar
HON 4390H: Antiquity Revisited
HON 4391H: Modernity Revisited
PHIL 3355H: Political Philosophy
POLS 3331H: American Foreign Policy
POLS 3342H: Liberalism and Its Critics
POLS 3376H: Black Political Thought