Policies and Notices

Paper Submission:
All papers — whether for section or lecture — must be submitted to your discussion class list at Turnitin.com. Professors will also require a separate paper submitted to them in class on the due date. Your professor will provide you with both a
Academic Honesty:
Any student caught plagiarizing on papers or cheating on examinations will be failed. You can take the plagiarism quiz to test yourself in understanding of plagiarism and UH guidelines.
Absences from Lecture:
Attendance at lecture is required. Roll is taken at every lecture by the Team Leader Assistants who arrange the seating chart and any changes made to the seating configuration. Contact your professor about any absences, and make certain to get class notes from fellow students for days you missed. (For discussion group absence policies, see your professor’s syllabus.)
Recording Lectures:
Audio or video recording of a lecture can only be done with the approval of the lecturer. Make sure to ask him/her before you begin recording.
Electronics in Lecture:
Students may not use any electronic devices during lecture (save for recording devices with the approval of lecturer, see above). This includes cellular telephones, cameras, pagers, game devices, mp3 players and laptop computers. Students who believe they have a legitimate reason to use an electronic device should contact Academic Advisor Larry Lyke to submit a request.
Disability Notice:
The University of Houston is committed to providing equal