Priority Registration

Honors Advising Week prepares you for Priority Registration for Fall 2019 that begins at 8 a.m. on April 5. You may book an appointment starting the week of March 26-30 with any of the advisors below. Honors advisors (Larry Lyke, Megan Prather, Aaron Reynolds, and Rita Sirrieh) can advise students of all majors. You SHOULD bring to your appointment your Honors Advising Form and Class Schedule Grid.
First-year students, don't forget to consult the Human Situation Enrollment Info (coming soon).
Appointments by Major
Student Services Office Advising ARC 151
Walk-Ins 9-12 PM, 2-4 PM
EDUCATION: Advising Information
HEP (Honors Engineering Program): Jennifer Dunn and Monica Sanchez, Make Appointments through Navigate, walk-in hours: Tuesday, 9:30-11 a.m. and Thursday, 1:30 -3:00 p.m. in Room E316
BIOE: Gregory Spillers (schedule appointments through Navigate)
CHEE: Praveen Bollini | Patrick Cirino | Mehmet Orman (by assigned advisor)
CIVE: Bill Rixey
INDE: Randall Sitton (email to schedule an appointment
EE/ECE: Dave Shattuck
MECE: Ralph Metcalfe
PETE: Anne Sturm (Walk-in Advising Hours: Monday & Tuesday 10:00AM - 12:00PM, Wednesday & Thursday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM)
HONORS: Larry Lyke | Megan Prather | Aaron Reynolds | Rita Sirrieh
*make appointments with Honors advisors using the Navigate App or website
*Honors Advisors can advise students of all majors
Natural Sciences and Mathematics:
NSM Undergraduate Advising Center
PRE-HEALTH: Megan Prather | Aaron Reynolds
TECHNOLOGY: Carlo Deason
Please make an appointment to see Carlo Deason for advising by:1. Coming by room 107 E T1, our Administrative Assistant’s office (Priscilla Strawbridge), to make an appointment,
2. Coming by room 107 B T1, my office to make an appointment,
Or emailing to make an appointment (please give me a list of available times that you can come to see me between 9:00 AM-11:00 AM or 1:30-4:00 PM, Monday-Friday).
U SCHOLARS: U Scholars students should choose a General Honors Advising option above.
Priority Registration
All current Honors students should meet with an Honors advisor in the week
• Download the Honors Coursebook when it becomes available.
• Read and review the General Registration information located in the front of the Coursebook.
• Sign up online for an advising appointment.
• Complete your proposed class schedule on the Honors Advising Form before you see your advisor.
• Log into your myUH account to verify that there are no holds on your record that would prevent your registration. You should do this before priority registration opens.
• Register for your classes via your myUH account. Priority appointments for Honors students are staggered throughout the day.
• Pay fees by mail before classes begin. Specific fee payment deadline information can be viewed at the UH Financial Aid Site.
General Information
Make sure the Honors College has your most recent permanent and local mailing addresses. An address update through the University does not automatically update your address with the Honors College. Please update your address using this form.
Please complete the Honors College Change of Status Form online if:
- you are not participating in the upcoming registration cycle because you will be studying abroad or because you will not attend the University in the coming semester.
you are withdrawing from the University of Houston.
you are planning to continue studies at the University but discontinue studies in the Honors College.
Prior to registering for your final two (2) semesters, graduating seniors are required to make an appointment with an Honors College advisor. This appointment provides the student an opportunity to review their Honors College coursework and determine their Honors College graduation status. Students are strongly urged to make this appointment during the final semester of the junior year, or as soon as possible during the first semester of the final year.