UHS Employee Vendor Information

Employee Setup/Maintenance for Reimbursement through Accounts Payable
- UH System employees (UH, UHCL, UHD, UHV, or UHS) who need to be setup for reimbursement should be invited via PaymentWorks by an authorized business staff member in the unit intending to provide the reimbursement. The authorized staff member should invite you using instructions online in the PaymentWorks section at https://uh.edu/office-of-finance/ap-general/.
- A personal email address must be used by the employee to setup their vendor account in PaymentWorks, not the employee’s UHS email address. The UHS email address is used in general for any invitation access (“initiator” role, regardless of whether the employee currently has access to invite vendors), and this may cause issues with proper setup.
- Need to change direct deposit banking information or address for reimbursement? Employees can change the information within PaymentWorks. If an employee is not yet connected in PaymentWorks, use the setup instructions above (this will not create a duplicate vendor for the employee, as the procedure is also used to connect our PaymentWorks with PeopleSoft).
- Do I have to setup with PaymentWorks? If no changes to banking or other personal information is required, current employees who are already setup accurately for reimbursements through Accounts Payable need not be connected within PaymentWorks. However, any changes or additions must be routed through PaymentWorks.
- Employee P.A.S.S. Direct Deposit Instructions: This feature to allow employees to change direct deposit information for reimbursements through Accounts Payable via PASS will be no longer available. See above bullets for current instructions.
- Employee P.A.S.S. Address Changes for Reimbursement This feature to allow employees to change their home address for reimbursements through Accounts Payable via PASS is no longer available. See above bullets for current instructions.
Official Tax Documents
--- UH System tax documents used by UHS employees to obtain exemption from paying Texas sales tax and Texas hotel occupancy tax for UHS business transactions.