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   • Account List
   • Accounts Normally Not Allowed on Federal Funds - If one of these accounts is used with a federal fund cost center on a voucher, requisition, PO, or journal, a warning message will appear. The user should verify the account and cost center are correct. If they are correct, the document must be routed through the Office of Contracts and Grants/Sponsored Projects in workflow for their approval. See “Fund Codes” below for a list of fund codes. Federal fund codes have “Federal” in the Sub-Type column.
   • Budget Account/Actual Account Cross Reference is available in the Finance System.
     – Navigation to Expenditure node/account cross reference (BUD_EXPENSE tree) in the Finance System(09-01-13 most current dated tree): Main Menu\Tree Manager\Tree Viewer Tree name = BUD_EXPENSE
     – Navigation to Revenue node/account cross reference (BUD_REVENUE tree) in the Finance System(09-01-2010 most current dated tree): Main Menu\Tree Manager\Tree Viewer Tree name = BUD_REVENUE

Cash Handling
   • MAPP 05.01.01 Guidelines

      – Departmental Cash Handling Guidelines
      – Petty Cash & Change Fund Guidelines
      – Cash Fund Custodian Responsibilities
      – Addendum A - Departmental Petty Cash/Change Fund Request for Establishment or Modification, Acknowledgement of Receipt of Funds, and/or Cash Policies & Procedures Certification.
      – Addendum B - Petty Cash Advance Request Form
      – Addendum C - Incident Report Form
      – Addendum D - Overage/Shortage Report Form
   • Additional Information
      – JPM Chase – Remote Check Capture User Guide
      – JPM Chase – Detailed Cash-Check Deposit Procedure
      – JPM Chase – Remote Check Capture User Guide for Gift Checks
      – Cash Journal and Deposits Guidelines
      – Detailed Cash-Check Deposit Procedure
      – Electronic Payment Guidelines
      – Electronic Payment Notification of Pending Transactions Form
      – NSF Check Procedures
      – Remote Deposit Procedures – Gift
      – R emote Deposit Procedures – Non Gift
      – Responsibilities of Accounting Departments
      – Responsibilities of Cash Handling Areas
      – Responsibilities of Component CFOs
      – Responsibilities of Treasurer
      – Treasury Offset Notices (Federal)
      – UHPD Deposit Transfer Information
      – UH Police Department Money Transfer Request Procedures

Certification of No Boycott of Israel
   • UHS No Boycott of Israel Memo

FY2025 Certifying Signatories – Individuals authorized to approve non-workflow transactions for their college/division by signing the appropriate document (e.g., Travel Requests) or through email (e.g., Physical Plant Work Requests).  Department approvers, which approve workflow transactions, are listed separately on this web page for each transaction category (e.g., GL Journal Workflow, Voucher Workflow, etc.).

Department List --- UH and UHSA department IDs, department names, college/division names, and college/division administrators (or equivalent).  The levels indicated are from the most current DEPTID_ROLLUP tree for business units 00730 and 00783.  This list is maintained by the UH Budget Office and updated as needed.

DEPTID_ROLLUP Tree --- Instructions for using the DEPTID_ROLLUP tree with placeholders to run Finance reports.

DocuSign SharePoint SiteUH SharePoint site dedicated to UH DocuSign digital signature solutions services. Site include introduction, training documents, and information regarding functionality and access.

Encumbrance Adjustment Form --- The Encumbrance Adjustment Form is used to request non-payroll encumbrance adjustments (UH and UH System only). --- Effective 09/01/22, this form is processed through DocuSign .

GL Journal Workflow Information
   • GL Journal Checklist --- Quick reference to key journal creation steps and backup document
   • GL Journal Creation
   • GL Journal Creators and Approvers --- List of UH operators who create and/or approve GL journals in workflow.
   • GL Journal Online Training --- Register for online GL journal workflow training

Internet Explorer 7.0 and the Finance System --- Recommended setup instructions for IE 7.0 that will allow users of the Finance System to download reports and queries to Excel. Please note that these instructions do not address incompatibility issues with the HR System or other applications, which are being tested separately.

P-Card and Travel Card Information
   • P-Card and Travel Card Matrix --- Summarizes the use, restrictions, and payment process for all types of P-Cards and Travel Cards.
   • P-Card Information
   • Travel Card Information

Professional Membership Organizations Approved for State Funds --- If paying professional membership fees with state funds, the organization must be on the approved list.  Submit a Membership List Addition Request Form to add an organization.  If paying professional membership fees with local funds, the organization does not have to be on the approved list.

Requisition Workflow Information
   • PowerPoint “Requisition Workflow” --- Overview of Requisition Workflow identifying changes. Also includes Requisition Reminders.
   • Requisition Workflow process --- A comprehensive Word document that takes the user step by step though the process of entering a Requisition into Workflow.

Revenue Contract Form
   • To help ensure compliance with SAM 03.A.05, § 7.5, all UH System revenue contracts of more than $50,000 will document appropriate administrative reviews using the “Revenue Contracts Over $50,000 Administrative Review and Approval Form”.
   • This form helps to ensure that all revenue contracts have appropriate reviews for tax compliance, debt covenant compliance, and auxiliary enterprise compliance.
   • Specific instructions for form routing are found on the second page of the form.
   • Revenue contracts over $50,000 will not be accepted by the Office of Contracts Administration without a completed and signed form.
   • Form: Revenue Contracts Over $50,000 Administrative Review and Approval Form (Effective 09/01/2022, this form is processed through DocuSign)

SC Voucher Workflow Information
   • SC Voucher Creation
   • SC Voucher Creators and Approvers --- List of UH operators who create and/or approve SC vouchers in workflow.
   • SC Voucher Online Training --- Register for online SC Voucher workflow training.
   • Service Center and Auxiliary Business Process Matrix --- Business process used by each UH service center and auxiliary for accepting orders and processing payments.
   • SC Vendor Set-Up Request Form
   • SC Vendor Set-Up Request Form Example
   • SC Vendor Set-Up Instructions
   • Operational Cash Advances via SC Voucher
   • Creators and Approvers --- List of UH operators who create and/or approve requisitions in workflow.
   • Buyer Table --- Table that identifies the Buyer responsible for individual Colleges and/or Divisions.

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Time Collection Devices
   • Time Capture Device Guide
   • Web-clock instructions

Transaction Processing
   • Best Practices for Vendor Payments --- Recommended procedures for paying external vendors, service centers, and auxiliaries, and reimbursing employees and students.
   • Fund Equity Transfers --- Do's and don'ts of transferring fund equity between local funds and between state funds.
   • PO Doc Tol Errors --- How to identify and resolve Doc Tol errors.
   • PO Creation Matrix --- Summarizes when a PO should be created, additional backup needed, and which PO business unit to use.
   • PO Finalize Instructions --- Instructions for reviewing and releasing PO encumbrances.
   • PO Processing Changes Related to Senate Bill 20 --- Summary of PO processing changes related to Senate Bill 20 (84th Legislature) that are effective September 1, 2015.
   • Procurement Methods for Federal and Non-Federal Funds --- Overview of procurement methods and the thresholds that apply to federal, non-federal, and mixed fund (federal and non-federal together) purchases or contracts for goods or services. See MAPP 04.01.01, Purchase of Materials, Goods, and Supplies through the Purchasing Department, for additional information.
   • Procurement Rules Checklist --- Quick reference to procurement rules, including special approval and backup requirements.
   • Prompt Payment Summary --- Summarizes prompt payment and payment scheduling rules for vouchers covered in MAPP 04.01.10, Prompt Payment and Payment Scheduling.
   • Prompt Payment - Late Payment Interest FAQs --- Information for late payment interest.
   • State Use Program FAQs --- Requirement to verify if goods or services are available from TIBH Industries when using state funds.
   • Stipends --- Why not to use the word "Stipend."
   • Student Repayment of Scholarship Awards
      ‌° SC Voucher Return Scholarship Funds Procedure
   • Transferring Non-Payroll Expenses --- Describes the process and steps used to transfer non-payroll expenses between local funds, between state funds, from state to local funds, and from local to state funds.
   • Uniform Guidance (OMB Circular A-81) for Federally Funded Projects --- Summary of changes to procurement policies and procedures related to Uniform Guidance for federally funded projects. Changes are effective December 26, 2014.
   • Vendors on Hold --- Recommended procedures for vouchers where the vendor is on hold with the state
   • Vendor Hold Status --- Procedures to check vendor hold status

University Advancement Guidelines
   • Gift Acceptance Manual

UPS Agreement
   • UPS Account Set Up Form
   • UPS Contract Contact Information
   • UPS Contract FAQ’s

Voucher Checklists
   See “AP Voucher Checklists” in the AP website (

Voucher Workflow Information
   • Voucher Creators and Approvers --- List of UH operators who create and/or approve
      vouchers in workflow.
   • Voucher Online Training --- Register for online Voucher workflow training.
   • Voucher Workflow Handout --- Training material used in online Voucher Workflow training.
   • Voucher Workflow Matrix for Scholarships and Tax-Related Payments --- The matrix indicates which workflow path to choose (Scholarships or Tax) based on (1) the account used and (2) the classification of the payee (student, employee, etc.). This information is also provided on pages 3 and 4 of the Voucher Workflow Handout.
  • Voucher Payments to foreign vendors for services are subject to Tax Department review.
Where the Money Goes --- Link to Texas Comptroller’s list of state expenditures

Worker Classification Checklist

Year-End Procedures
   • AP Accrual Procedure
   • AR Procedure
   • Changing FY24 Vouchers to FY25
   • Creating 998 Journal Entries
   • Period 998 FAQs
   • Prior-Year PO Encumbrances