Instructional Design Support

Instructional Technology Design Assistance
How Can Instructional Design Assist You?
- Assess overall course effectiveness.
- Determine which course elements can be delivered online to maximize in-class time.
- Design, develop, and implement technology-enhanced courses.
- Identify appropriate technologies to achieve course objectives.
- Provide support and revisions as courses progress.
- Provide support and training to implement new technology and all functions to Blackboard Learn.
To accomplish these objectives, instructors can receive help with the following:
- Blackboard Learn
- One-on-one training
- Course requests and designs
- Ongoing support/trouble-shooting during the semester
- Grade Book management
- Creating assessments and surveys
- Integrative technologies
Turnitin, Wimba Voice tools, and Wimba Live Classroom
- Course development
- Instructional software training
- PowerPoint: Integrating video/sound; conversion to web format (Impatica)
- Respondus/Exam View: uploading entire exams
- Snagit
- Hot Potatoes
- Creating PDF files
- Scanning graphics and documents
- Student response systems
- Syllabus design or redesign
- Video taping, audio taping, and editing
Our goal is to support your efforts to create an engaging, effective and challenging learning experience for your students.
For more information, please contact:
Paul Boyle
Director, College Education Technology