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PhD and Postdoctoral Career Resources

The College of Pharmacy is working to create career development programs for Ph.D. students to complement formal instruction in the disciplines and to help graduates find positions that realize their full potentials.

Listed below are examples of places with information and guidance regarding careers and professional development. Students should primarily consult their mentors and teachers, using these additional resources to complement their efforts. Also, please be aware of seminar speakers (or webinars) sponsored by the programs to address career development matters. 

At most professional society/research conferences, career centers are set up to match employers and candidates, and provide opportunities for interviews. Even if you are 2-3 years away from a serious job search, this is a good way to discover what's out there and what you need to do to improve your prospects. When you travel to a professional meeting to present an abstract, sign up for the career center, and prepare your CV. 

Note: Neither UH nor UHCOP is responsible for the content on any of the external websites indicated on this page.

Job Boards and Career Advice (Professional Societies and Journals)

AAPS, Career Success

AAPS, Careers

ISPOR, Careers

Science, Careers

ASPET, Career Center

Cheeky Scientist


PhD Career Guides

Versatile PhD

PhD Career Guide


Internship Directories

Ph.D. Careers & Earnings Data and Reports

Putting PhDs to Work

NIH Biomedical Research Workforce Report

National Science Foundation National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics

Professional Development

English Language Assistance (Language and Culture Center at UH)

UH Career Services

Developing Soft Skills

Curriculum Vitae 'How To' Guide

Individual Development Plans

myIDP (STEM disciplines)

IMAGINE PHD (Humanities and Social Sciences)

Postdoctoral Resources

UH Postdoctoral Fellows Association

Annual TMC Postdoctoral Career Symposium

ASPET Postdoctoral Resources