FAQs - Graduation
When and where is the University Commencement for the College of Pharmacy?
When: 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Thursday, May 9, 2024
Where: Cullen Performance Hall, 4300 University Dr., Houston, TX 77204
What should I wear under my gown?
The College of Pharmacy ask that graduates wear dress shoes (no tennis shoes); dresses, skirts, and dress pants for ladies; and slacks for men. No jeans, please. Your attire should reflect the auspicious nature of the occasion.
What do I do with my rented graduation items after the ceremony?
Students are to look for the gown return boxes located outside the hall following graduation. Drop your gown in the box (Doctoral students keep the hood, tam and tassel) or you have one week to return your gown directly to the UH Bookstore.
How long is Commencement?
Please plan and prepare for 2 hours.
How do I get my pictures from the photographer?
You will receive an e-mail via student listserv from Shauna Owens in the Student Services Office providing a link where you can purchase your photos.
What do I do with my belongings, such as purse, coat, hangers, etc.?
We ask that graduates leave all personal items in your car or with your invited guests. We have no secure place to store these items and will not be responsible for lost or stolen items.
How do I know if I am graduating with honors?
Pharm.D. students will be notified once honors status has been determined.
How can I stay connected to my College of Pharmacy?
Upon graduation, we would like to maintain contact, inform you about College programs and activities and, most importantly, update other alumni and former classmates about what you are doing. Interactions, the College's print newsletter, and the Interactions Refill e-newsletter are designed to update our alumni, friends, faculty, students and others on the latest happenings within the College and its network of supporters.
To update your records with UH and continue receiving updates from the college, visit the Alumni Update page. To subscribe to the Refill e-newsletter (as well as opt-in to any other UH e-communications of your choice), please visit the secure sign-up page.
You also will be eligible to join The University of Houston Alumni Association. To find out all of the great benefits offered to new graduates of the University of Houston, please visit www.houstonalumni.com.
What time will the Cullen Performance Hall doors open for seating?
Seating is scheduled to start at 8:00 a.m., 1 hour before the ceremony.