Academic Honesty Policy
High ethical standards are critical to the integrity of any institution, and bear directly on the ultimate value of conferred degrees. All UH community members are expected to contribute to an atmosphere of the highest possible ethical standards.
Maintaining such an atmosphere requires that any instances of academic dishonesty be recognized and addressed. The UH Academic Honesty Policy is designed to handle those instances with fairness to all parties involved: the students, the instructors, and the University itself.
All students and faculty of the University of Houston are responsible for being familiar with this policy.
The official University of Houston Academic Honesty Policy appears in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs.
Instructor Role in the Process
Download a printable version of the Instructor Role in the Academic Honesty Process

Waiver of Departmental Hearing
Download a printable version of the Waiver of Departmental Hearing Process

Within five class days of discovering or receiving a report of an alleged academic honesty violation, the instructor notifies the Department Hearing Officer in writing of the case. The Department Hearing Officer consults with the Provost Office representative to verify if students are eligible for waiver of department hearing as determined by case history (no prior academic honesty waiver/violation).
Click here to submit a request for a waiver check to verify student eligibility to waive department hearing.
You may need to sign-in under your UH Cougarnet access. You will be requested to provide information including student name, student ID # , and related course information. For circumstances or questions that exceed the waiver check form, contact Heidi Kennedy, , 713-743-9187.
STUDENT REQUEST to REMOVE NAME from Academic Honesty Case List
If you are a student who has graduated and wish to request that your name be removed from the academic honesty case list, submit a request HERE .
Eligible students have graduated from UH and their academic honesty case was resolved by signing a waiver of department hearing. If a student's academic honesty case resulted in a violation decided by department or college hearing, the record is permanent and the name may not be removed from the academic honesty case list.
Frequently Asked Questions on the Academic Honesty Policy
See the Academic Honesty Policy FAQs for students and for faculty in this website.
Please also note that, in addition to the fundamental UH Academic Honesty Policy, the professional schools such as the Law Center, the College of Optometry, the College of Pharmacy, and The Graduate College of Social Work may each have their own approved academic honesty policies. For further information, please contact the individual college.