The $9,000 Cap: A Webinar on ERCOT Electric Prices TIEEP Webinar Series TIEEP Webinar Series
Webinar Overview:
Monday, August 12, 2019. It was a hot afternoon in Texas, with temperatures in triple digits for much of the state. The air conditioners were cranked up – and ERCOT (the Electric Reliability Council of Texas), the grid operator for much of the state, reported a record high demand of 74,531 MW. The following day, Tuesday, August 13, 2019, real-time prices soared to ERCOT’s $9,000/MWh offer cap, and hovered at or near this value for about 90 minutes. While most residential customers were largely unaware of what was happening, this event – and elevated summer electricity prices in general – had a significant impact on retailers and some industrial consumers.
What is ERCOT, and what is the significance of its $9,000/MWh offer cap? Perhaps more importantly, how does this affect you and your company; and how can you manage both the risks and the opportunities that flow from the ERCOT system? Please join our panel of speakers at 2 pm Central, February 12, 2020, for a lively and informative one-hour webinar to address these and other questions.
Guest Speakers:
- Kevin Boudreaux, Vice President Emerging Technologies, MP2 Energy
- Jason Gwynne, Senior Vice President of Strategy and Trading, MP2 Energy
- Tim Carter, Vice President of Demand Response, MP2 Energy
Webinar Topics:
Our panelists, from MP2 Energy LLC, A Shell Energy North America Subsidiary, will be covering a wide range of topics, including:
- ERCOT Fundamentals
- 2019 in review and look ahead
- Products and hedging opportunities, including renewables
- Economic price response – energy prices
- Economic price response – 4CP
- Offsite versus onsite renewable generation
- Portfolio performance during a market peak event and how that can help stabilize the grid