ReVolt Battery Technology Corporation

Revolt is committed to making sustainable electric fleet choices easier and more environmentally friendly and recovering critical battery materials for second-use applications.

Full Description

Transport CO2 emissions continue to grow globally despite advances in low-carbon technology and goal-setting by numerous governments. The global transportation sector is responsible for almost one-quarter of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (mostly CO2), with about 72% thereof from road transport. Electric vehicles (EVs) can help put America on the path toward a clean energy economy.

ReVolt Battery Technology Corporation based in the University of Houston, Texas is making it easier for smart cities and Metro agencies to identify the technology options via a suite of innovative fleet electrification tools.


Tools like OptoBus, Optocharge and OptoFlee help smart cities plan, acquire and operate fuel-efficient fleets so you can see the world while protecting it - to make an impact no matter where you are.