Course Review

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Course Review
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Course review at OET serves the goal to help faculty improve existing courses and provide best practice guidelines for course redesign. We researched a number of reputational review rubrics and adopted Quality Matters Rubric because we think it best suits the teaching needs at University of Houston. The Quality Matters Higher Education Rubric, Fifth Edition, 2014 has eight general standards and 43 specific review standards that assess critical course components and how they work together to ensure learning achievements. When a course is under review, the QM Rubric is used as a checklist to determine whether an individual standard is met or not. Recommendations will be provided for not-met standards on how to make improvements.
The instructional design team have successfully completed training courses provided by Quality Matters Director Linda Davis and earned the QM coordinator certificate, and all instructional designers have received QM certificates on Applying QM Rubrics and Peer Review Process. When a course is submitted for review, instructional designers will work individually or as a group.
We encourage faculty to consider course review with instructional design team if in one of the following situations:
- Faculty feel a need to improve an existing course
- A course can’t meet students’ demanding and needs a redesign
- A f2f course is under conversion to online or hybrid formats
- A newly designed course needs a formative evaluation before delivered to students