Archive News
Dr.s Mag Uidhir and Freeland have received $5000 in grant support for a workshop proposal entitled Printmaking & Philosophy of Art. This two-day workshop will bring philosophers of art together with print artists to discuss the relationship between printmaking and other arts, the relationship between print artists and their productions, and the metaphysics of printmaking.
Dr. Mag Uidhir also has two new articles forthcoming; "Aesthetic Analysis of Actor-Character Race Matching in Film Fictions" is forthcoming in Philosophers' Imprint, and "Comics & Collective Authorship" will appear in the recently published Wiley-Blackwell volume The Art of Comics: A Philosophical Approach, ed. Aaron Meskin & Roy T. Cook.
Professor Cynthia Freeland has just returned from a trip to Australia where she delivered the annual lecture at the National Portrait Gallery in Canberra. Previous speakers in the series include Martin Sullivan, Director of the National Portrait Gallery in Washington; Lucian Freud biographer William Fever; and New York Times art critic Michael Kimmelman. As publicity for the lecture Freeland did radio interviews for ABC radio in Sydney (on the hour-long nationally-syndicated Margaret Throsby show), ABC’s local station in Canberra, and the Canberra Times (newspaper). She also gave a talk at Sydney University to "SHAPE”, a faculty group dedicated to philosophy of Society, History, Aesthetics, Politics and the Environment. While in Australia Freeland also took the opportunity to visit Uluru (Ayers Rock) in the outback where she especially enjoyed a sunset camel tour. You can see pictures of her trip here.
Professor Anne Jacobson delivered a series of talks in England in December 2011, including "Wittgenstein and Anscombe on Action" (East Anglia) and "On constructing an ontology for implicit gratitude" (Sheffield). She is also convening (and speaking at) a Pacific APA session on implicit bias in philosophy. In 2012, she will be releasing two books: a co-edited volume entitled Neurofeminism and a single-author monograph, Keeping the World in Mind: Mental representations in a science of the mind (both Palgrave-MacMillan). From May to June, she will be a visitor at Somerville College, Oxford. She has also been selected as the program chair for the 2013 meeting of the Central Division of the American Philosophical Association.
New article about Block by Professor Weisberg published in Analysis Prof. Josh Weisberg had a piece published in the July 2011 issue of Analysis, entitled "Abusing the notion of what-it’s-like-ness: A reply to Block." In addition, ,the Journal of Consciousness Studies special edition, edited by Weisberg, on the book Describing Inner Experience: Proponent Meets Skeptic (by R. Hurlburt and E. Schwitzgebel) has just been released. The edition features articles by Peter Carruthers, Terry Horgan and Mark Timmons, Charles Siewert, Maja Spener, Chris Hill, and others, and it includes an introduction by Weisberg.
David Phillips is co-PI on a new grant together with Ioannis Pavlidis – Computing and Physiology (PI), Ioanna Semendeferi – Science Ethics (co-PI), Dov Liberman – Educational Psychology (co-PI). The team has received a highly-selective award of $300,000 from the National Science Foundation for their project 'Experiencing Ethics'. They are investigating new methods of teaching ethics in science, with the hope of revolutionizing science education by adding novel practical demonstrations of the ethics of peer review and animal experimentation to conventional theoretical instruction.

He also presented the paper "Mindreading and Metarepresentation: Where to Draw the Line" at the Winter Conference on Animal Learning and Behavior at Denver from Jan 28-Feb 1 in a focus session with Herb Terrace (of Project Nim), Eric Charles, and Björn Brembs.

Assistant Professor Sommers Published
Assistant Professor Tamler Sommers' new book, Relative Justice: Cultural Diversity, Free Will, and Moral Responsibility, has been released by Princeton University Press in the fall.

Prof. Bredo Johnsen’s "Critical Notice" of The Oxford Handbook of Skepticism is forthcoming in the first issue of theInternational Journal for the Study of Skepticism. He was also invited to contribute "Quine on Observation" toPhilosophy of W.V.O. Quine (edited by Gilbert Harman and Ernie Lepore), to be published by Wiley-Blackwell in their Companion series.

James Garson published "Expressive Power and Incompleteness of Propositional Logics," in the Journal of Philosophical Logic, (2010, vol. 39, #2, pp. 159-171).

Prof. Bill Nelson presented a paper, "Ruminations on Property, Taxes and Distribution," at the conference of the American Section of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (AMINTAPHIL), at Rochester Institute of Technology, in October 2010. The paper has also been submitted for publication.

Hattab continues Faculty Development Leave to advance research about Hobbes and Spinoza
Helen Hattab of the Philosophy Department currently has a Faculty Development Leave to conduct research on her project on "Hobbes and Spinoza: The Geometrization of Ethics and Politics." She was awarded a 6 month research fellowship by the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbuettel, Germany.
She took the opportunity to visit Leibniz's house in Hanover. One photo depicts her in front of the entrance, and the other shows her turning the golden ring on the gate to the fountain in front of the Leibniz house for luck (this is a local tradition). In the photo to the right, Hattab stands in front of the statue in the middle of market square in Wolfenbuettel, Germany.
In February Hattab gave talks at the Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh and also at University of Western Ontario. She published a chapter on "The Mechanical Philosophy" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy in Early Modern Europe, published January 2011. Hattab has also recently been awarded a UH Small Grant and has been nominated for a Franklin Research Grant from the American Philosophical Societyand for an NEH Summer Stipend.
See more photos from Hattab's research trip in Germany.

Professor Hattab presents paper at University of Western Ontario in London
Prof Helen Hattab gave an invited paper on "Hobbes and Zabarella on Scientific Method" at the University of Western Ontario in London, Canada, followed by a book symposium on her book Descartes on Forms and Mechanisms. In addition, the chapter by Hattab on “The Mechanical Philosophy” in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy in Early Modern Europe was published in January 2011.

New article about Block by Professor Weisberg to appear in Analysis
Prof. Josh Weisberg has a piece forthcoming in the July 2011 issue of Analysis, entitled “Abusing the notion of what-it’s-like-ness: A reply to Block.” In addition, ,the Journal of Consciousness Studies special edition, edited by Weisberg, on the book Describing Inner Experience: Proponent Meets Skeptic (by R. Hurlburt and E. Schwitzgebel) has just been released. The edition features articles by Peter Carruthers, Terry Horgan and Mark Timmons, Charles Siewert, Maja Spener, Chris Hill, and others, and it includes an introduction by Weisberg.

While researching in Germany, Professor Hattab wins two grants
Prof. Helen Hattab has been awarded a UH Small Grant of 3000 USD and just received word that she has been nominated for a Franklin Research Grant of 5000 USD from the American Philosophical Society. She is in Wolfenbuettel, Germany until July 2011 on a research fellowship at the Herzog August Bibliothek.

Professor Freeland will discuss Noel Carroll’s On Criticism book in Minneapolis
Prof. Cynthia Freeland will be speaking at an "Author Meets Critics" session at the Central Division APA meetings in Minneapolis. The topic is Noel Carroll's recent book On Criticism; the other commentator will be Alan Goldman. While in Minneapolis Freeland will also chair a session of the American Society for Aesthetics at the APA with speakers Noel Carroll, Anne Eaton, Susan Feagin, and Jesse Prinz.

Professor Weisberg participates in ‘Consciousness Online’ conference
Prof. Josh Weisberg participated in the 3rd annual “Consciousness Online” conference, commenting on a paper by Miguel Sebastian. Other participants included Paul Churchland, Jesse Prinz, Kathleen Akins, Ruth Millikan, among many others.

Dr. Hattab to Speak in Pittsburgh
Associate Professor Helen Hattab is scheduled to present a talk at the Center for Philosophy of Science in Pittsburgh on Feb. 25 titled "Descartes' Mechanism Revisited."
"I propose that the initial shift to mechanism is more fruitfully understood as a response to methodological problems raised by the recovery of Euclid's Elements and other ancient mathematical texts than by metaphysical and epistemological worries about Aristotelian forms and occult qualities," Hattab writes in the paper's abstract. "I support my proposal by examining an example of such a problem that would have been familiar to both Descartes and Hobbes, so as to show how it informs their respective methods and mechanistic views."
For more information about Hattab's talk and to read more of the paper's abstract, visit the University of Pittsburgh Center for Philosophy of Science website.
Recently, Hattab visited Hanover, Germany and the Leibniz house. In this photo, she is turning the golden ring on the gate to the fountain in front of the Leibniz house, a ritual the locals perform for good luck.

Zachary Guajardo Speaks at Notre Dame Conference
Graduate student Zachary Zzane Guajardo spoke at a graduate student philosophy conference at Notre Dame during the Fall 2010 semester.

Gregory Brown
Greg Brown presented a paper entitled “The Theodicy and the Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence” at a conference on “Leibniz’s Theodicy: Context and Content,” which was held at Notre Dame University, September 15-18, 2010. He also hosted the fourth annual conference of the Leibniz Society of North America at the University of Houston, December 3-5, 2010. His article, “Disinterested Love: Understanding Leibniz’s Reconciliation of Self- and Other-Regarding Motives,” is forthcoming in the British Journal for the History of Philosophy, and his article, “Leibniz’s Moral Philosophy,” is forthcoming in Continuum Companion to Leibniz (New York: Continuum Press). He is currently working on a paper on Leibniz on the perfection of possible worlds, as well as continuing to work on a book on the correspondence between Leibniz, Clarke, and Caroline.

Anne Jacobson
Anne J. Jacobson presented a paper at the Easter APA on concepts and counterfeits, 2010; a shorter version will appear in Behavioral and Brain Sciences as a comment on E Machery's “Doing without Concepts". She was also part of an invited panel at the Hume Society Conference, 2010, presented a paper at the Pacific Swip, 2010, and commented on a paper at the Pacific APA. In addition, she had both Keeping the World in Mind, and her co-edited volume Neurofeminism (books) accepted by Palgrave MacMillan.

Bredo Johnson
Professor Bredo Johnsen’s article "The Argument for Radical Skepticism Concerning the External World" appeared in the December 2009 issue of The Journal of Philosophy.

William Nelson
In January 2008, Nelson's paper, "Kant's Formula of Humanity," was published in Mind. In April 2008 his paper, "The Epistemic Value of the Demoncratic Process," appeared in Episteme. He was a member of the program committee for the Amintaphil meeting at Villanova University in September 2008, and presented a commentary entitled "The Free Speech/Free Market Analogy." He continues to work on Kant's ethics and topics in political philosophy.

Tamler Sommers
Professor Tamler Sommers’ A Very Bad Wizard: Morality Behind the Curtain was released by McSweeney's Press in November, 2009. In addition, his "More Work for Hard Incompatibilism" appeared in November 2009 issue of Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.

Josh Weisberg
Weisberg published "Misrepresenting Consciousness" in Philosophical Studies (online May 2010) and has a forthcoming paper "The Zombie's Cogito: Meditations on Type-Q Materialism" coming out in Philosophical Psychology. He is also the managing editor of a book symposium on Russell Hurlburt and Eric Schwitzgebel's Describing Inner Experience: Proponent Meets Skeptic, to appear in a special issue of Journal of Consciousness Studies, January 2011. He is currently working on a book entitled Key Concepts: Consciousness (under contract with Polity Press).