Program Requirements and Regulations

The standard progression for M.A. students is to take 36 credit hours in courses numbered 6000 or above for which graduate credit is accepted by the department. These courses must include 18 semester hours in regular graduate seminars in the department. Courses taken outside the department will count toward the required hours only with the approval of the director of graduate studies. An arrangement exists with Rice University’s Philosophy Department that allows students in our program to take graduate level courses they offer. These courses qualify as being taken in our department, but they do not qualify as seminars.
In rare cases, students may pursue a course of study that involves writing a thesis. Students pursuing this option must complete 30 credit hours in philosophy, along with 6 hours of thesis writing courses. Departmental approval is necessary for the thesis option, and except in exceptional cases, the department strongly advises students to focus on developing philosophical breadth.
Plan I (Standard Option)
Candidates must complete 36 semester hours of approved courses, of which 30 hours must be taken in the Department of Philosophy.
Plan II (Thesis Option)
Candidates choosing this plan must complete a thesis, and the 6 hours of thesis courses will count as part of the 30 hours required for the degree. At least 24 of the required 30 hours must be taken in the Department of Philosophy. Students taking the thesis option must have an A- average in philosophy courses their first year of graduate study in the program.