Past Speakers
Fall 2018-Spring 2019
Ben Mitchell-Yellin (Sam Houston State)
Valuing and the True Self
September 7, 3:00-5:00
AH 302
Linda Radzik (Texas A&M)
Title TBA
October 19, 3:00-5:00
Location TBA
Matthew Babb (Washington University St. Louis)
Title TBA
November 9, 3:00-5:00
Location TBA
Ellen Fridland (King's College London)
Skill and Control
Isaac Wiegman (Texas State)
Does Punishment Have a Goal?
February 15, 3:00-5:00
Fall 2017-Spring 2018
Integration, Segregation, and Gentrification in our Houston Neighborhoods: A Community Discussion on Philosophy and Politics
Speakers: Rep. Garnet Coleman (Texas State Representative Dist. 147), Dr. Ronald Sundstrom (U. San Francisco), Dr. Assata Richards (Sankofa Research Institute and Emancipation Economic Development Council)
October 19, 7:00 PM
The Historic Eldorado Ballroom, 2310 Elgin St.
(In partnership with The Hobby School for Public Affairs)
UH Faculty Senate Assistant Professor Excellence Lecture (APeX)
Cameron Buckner (University of Houston)
Can Animals Understand that Others Have Minds? Putting Psychology, Biology, and Philosophy Back Together Again
October 25, 12:15-1:15 PM
UCBB 506
Light refreshments (brown bag lunches welcome)
Fall 2016-Spring 2017
Tenth Annual Conference of the Leibniz Society of North America
November 4-6
Room 118 CBB
Kenneth Taylor (Stanford)
APA Annual Board Meeting Lecture
November 18th 2:30-3:30
Reception to follow
Katherine Dunlop (UT Austin)
Gareth Evans on Molyneux's Problem
March 31, 3:00-5:00
AH 104
Katherine Dunlop (UT Austin)
Meeting of the Houston Circle to discuss paper "The Formality of 'General' Logic and the Content of 'Transcendental' Logic in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason"
April 1, 2:30
AH 512
(Those interested should contact Dr. Hattab for the paper)
Fall 2015-Spring 2016
Kenny Easwaren (Texas A&M)
Newcomb-style Decision Problems
October 16 3:00-5:00
Location TBA
Sophie Horowitz (Rice)
October 30 3:00-5:00
Location/Title TBA
Shannon Spaulding (OSU)
Divergent Social Interpretations
November 5 3:00-5:00
AH 16
Joshua Weisberg (UH)
Schmonsciousness Explained? On the Proper Subject for a Theory of Consciousness
Feb 5 2:00-4:00
AH 302
Kate Abramson (Indiana)
February 19 Time TBA
Location TBA
Martha Nussbaum (Chicago)
*Cancelled due to Denver blizzard!*
Anger and Revolutionary Justice
March 25th 1:00 PM
UH Law Center 144 TUII
Sally Haslanger (MIT)
Lone Star Speaker Series
March 28 4:00-6:00
Racist Ideology and Racist Practices: Moving Beyond Critique
David Shoemaker (Tulane)
April 15 3:00-5:00
“You Oughta Know: Defending Angry Blame”
SEC 203
Fall 2014-Spring 2015
Karen Bennett (Cornell)
Building and Causing
November 13, 4:00-6:00
Location 002 AH
Alan Hazlett (Edinburgh)
Imagination that Amounts to Knowledge from Fiction
Friday, November 21, 3:00-5:00
Location 304 AH
Dien Ho (MCPHS)
Buying Children: How Paid Surrogacy is Really Money for Offspring
Friday, March 13, 3:00-5:00
Location SEC 201
Workshop on Cognitive Science and Robotics
In collaboration with Osaka University
Monday, March 23, 11:00-4:00
Location: Heyne 135
Symposium on Animal Cognition
5 talks by UH Faculty and Graduate Students
Friday, March 27, 3:00-6:00
Location SEC 201
David McNaughton and Piers Rawling (Florida State)
Should We Act for the Best?
Friday, April 3, 3:00-5:00
SEC 201
Roger Wertheimer
Speaking with Objects
Friday, April 17, 3:00-5:00
AH 301
Spring 2014
Andrew Kania (Trinity)
An Imaginative Theory of Musical Space and Movement
Friday, April 25, 3:00-5:00
Location TBA
Nicoletta Orlandi (Rice)
Seeing without Inference
Friday, March 28, 3:00-5:00
Location TBA
Ali Fatollahi (Princeton)
Biased Assimilation and Belief Polarization
Friday, March 21, 3:00-5:00
AH 512
Fall 2013
Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (Duke)
Friday, November 15, 3:00-5:00
Does Neuroscience Undermine Responsibility?
PGH 232
Joseph Rouse (Wesleyan)
Lone Star Tour Lecture
Friday, October 18th, 3:00-5:00
Two Concepts of Objectivity
Room TBA
Reception to follow
Cameron Buckner (UH)
Friday, Oct 4, 1:00-3:00
UH Networks Seminar
Semantic Networks in the Humanities
SEC 206
Hagop Sarkissian (City University of New York, Baruch College)
Friday, September 13th, 3:00-5:00
Resonance Ethics
Room TBA
Reception to follow in AH 512
Spring 2013
Daniel Povinelli (University of Louisiana)
Friday, March 22nd
Journal Club and Grad Student Lunch
Details TBA
Jenann Ismael (University of Arizona)
Friday, April 5th
Details TBA
David Bourget (University of London)
Lecture 1 (Digital Humanities Lecture Series): PhilPapers-A Platform for Digital Philosophy
Sponsored by the El Paso Corporation Lecture Series
Monday, February 25th
4:00-6:00 Roy G. Cullen 104
Lecture 2: What Is It to Grasp an Idea?
Tuesday, February 26th
5:30-7:30, Roy G. Cullen 104
Printmaking & Philosophy of Art Workshop
Feb 21st - Feb 23rd
Justin Coates (University of Chicago)
Friday, February 15
Blame and Forgiveness
3:00-5:00, Room TBA
Daniel Koltonski (Amherst College)
Tuesday, February 12
Friendship, Moral Disagreement and Political Obligation
5:00-7:00, TBA
Kathleen Higgins (University of Texas)
Friday, February 8th
Grief and Aesthetics: The Unrecognized Connection
3-5 pm AH 202
Evan Williams (Purdue)
Friday, January 25th
Compensation for Risk
3:00-5:00, Room TBA
Iskra Fileva (UNC, Chapel Hill)
Friday, January 25th
The Sources of Passivity
3:00-5:00, AH 303
Fall 2012
Russ Schafer-Landau (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Friday, December 7th
Moral Realism vs. Moral Constructivism: Normativity & Grounding
3-5:00, AH 302
Ruth Grant (Duke)
Friday, November 30
Strings Attached: Untangling the Ethics of Incentives
The Honors College Commons
Christy Mag Uidhir (University of Houston)
Friday, November 30
Art, Metaphysics, & the Paradox of Standards
4:00-6:00 PM
Rice University, Humanities Building #119
Robert Howell (Southern Methodist)
Cogito Contextualism
3:00-5:00, AH 230
Friday, November 2nd
Tom Hurka (Toronto)
Aristotle on Virtue: Wrong, Wrong, and Wrong
AH 106
Friday, October 26th
Richard Boyd (Cornell)
Evolutionary Theory as Methodological Anesthesia: Methodological and Philosophical Lessons from Evolutionary Psychology
3:00-5:00 PGH 232
Friday, October 19th
Spring 2012
Nancy Sherman (Georgetown)
Lone Star Tour, April 9-13
(co-sponsored by UH and Rice Philosophy Departments)
UH Lecture
"Accountability for Emotions: Aristotle, the Stoics, and Kant"
Monday, April 9th
108 M
Roger Wertheimer
"Meaning as Explanation"
Friday, March 30
301 Agnes Arnold
Professor Wertheimer has worked throughout his career in both ethics and the philosophy of language/logic. His first published paper was “Conditions” (JPhil, 1968), which was followed by The Significance of Sense (Cornell) and his much-anthologized “Understanding the Abortion Argument” (PPA) in the early 1970’s. His Empowering Our Military Conscience (Ashgate, 2010) is a collection based on talks given at the U S. Naval Academy while he served there as Distinguished Chair of Ethics (2001-2003), and includes essays by Richard Miller, T. M. Scanlon and Michael Walzer, as well as two of his own.
He has been working on matters bearing directly on “Meaning as Explanation” at least since the late 1990’s.
Jonathan Dancy (University of Texas, Austin)
"From Thought to Action"
Friday, March 2
Agnes Arnold 301
Laurence Goldstein (University of Kent)
"Clambering out of the Soritical Bog"
Monday, Feb 27
4:00-6:00 pm
SEC 204
Colin Allen (Indiana University, Bloomington)
"Do Fish Feel Pain?"
Wednesday, January 25
Phillip Guthrie Hoffman Hall 232
Fall 2011
Neil Sinhababu (National University of Singapore)
"Ethical Reductionism"
Monday, Nov. 14
4:00 - 6:00
204 Agnes Arnold
Timothy Sundell (University of Kentucky)
"Metalinguistic Disagreement and the Shared Meaning Task"
Friday, Nov. 11
3:00 - 5:00
301 Agnes Arnold
Jim Garson (UH Faculty Work-in-Progress Talk)
"On Open Futures in Propositional Logic"
Friday, Nov. 4
3:00 - 5:00
301 Agnes Arnold Hall
Pete Mandik (William Patterson University)
"Conscious-state Anti-realism and the varieties of consciousness worth being a realist about"
Friday, Oct. 28
3:00 - 5:00
301 Agnes Arnold Hall
L.A. Paul (North Carolina)
"Experience and Temporal Asymmetry"
Friday, Oct. 21
3:00 - 5:00
301 Agnes Arnold Hall
Spring 2011
Friday March 25, 12 p.m. Honors Commons. A panel discussion titled "Banning the Burqa in France: Where Multiculturalism and Secular Values Collide" will feature Ron Mallon, Department of Philosophy at the University of Utah; Dina Alsowayel, Department of Women's Studies, University of Houston; Fatima Hye, student, University of Houston; Robert Zaretsky, Department of History and Honors College, University of Houston. The panel is sponsored by Phronesis: A Program of Politics and Ethics in the Honors College.

Friday March 25, 4 p.m. Honors Commons. Ron Mallon, associate profesor of Philosophy at the University of Utah will present a lecture titled "All the World's a Stage? Presenting and Excusing the Natural Self." The secondary title for the lecture is "How we use beliefs about the natural world to make ourselves up." The lecture is sponsored by Phronesis: A Program in Politics and Ethics in the Honors College. Mallon's research is in social philosophy, philosophy of cognitive psychology, and moral psychology. His articles have appeared in Ethics, Journal of Political Philosophy, Mind and Language, Noûs, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Social Neuroscience, and Social Theory and Practice, and many other scholarly journals.
Friday, January 28
George Sher (Rice)
The Unity of Luck Egalitarianism
3-5 p.m., Room TBA
Fall 2010
Friday, October 15
Anna Christina Ribeiro (Texas Tech)
What is a Work of Poetry?
4-6 p.m., Agnes Arnold Room 202
Friday, November 19
Thomas Kelly
Department of Philosophy, Princeton University
3-5 p.m., Friday, Nov. 19
302 Agnes Arnold Hall

Friday, April 23
UH Faculty Talk
Prof. Joshua Brown
"Natural Objects and Restricted Composition"
3-5 p.m., Room: Roy Cullen 104

Friday, April 16
Brian Prince (Rice University)
"A Metaphysical Monstrosity: the Form of Soul"
3-5 p.m., Room: Roy Cullen 104
The final argument for the soul's immortality in the Phaedo presupposes a Form of Soul, although the text does not mention it. I survey a number of passages in which Socrates describes his theory in ways that imply a very large number of Forms; such passages show that we have no reason to deny the Form of Soul. I then show that several attempts to argue for a limit on the number or kinds of Forms in the theory fail. I then examine the final argument for immortality in detail, and show that its background assumptions and logic positively require a Form of Soul.

Thursday, March 4
Robert Kane (University of Texas-Austin)
"Are All Values Relative? Seeking Common Ethical Ground in a World of Conflicting Beliefs"
4:30 p.m., Room: Honors Commons
Friday, March 5
Robert Kane (University of Texas-Austin)
"Rethinking Free Will: New Perspectives on an Ancient Problem"
3-5 p.m., Room: Agnes Arnold 302

Friday, Feb. 26
Fred Sommers (Brandeis University, Emeritus)
"The Elephant in the Logic Classroom"
3-5 p.m., Room: Agnes Arnold 302

February 12
Martha Bolton (Rutgers University)
"Leibniz and Locke on Substance and Moral Subjects"
4-6 p.m., Room: Agnes Arnold 302

January 25
Lone Star Tour: Michael Smith (Princeton University)
"Williams vs. Scanlon on Internal Reasons"
4-6 p.m., Room: Agnes Arnold 2
October 1
UH Faculty Talk: Jim Garson
"The Incompleteness of Propositional Logic: Can Syntax Determine a Semantics?"
3:00 – 5:00
512 Agnes Arnold Hall
November 14
David G. Dick (University of Calgary)
"The Normativity of Unbreakable Rules"
3:00 – 5:00
Location TBA
2008 – 2009

- Thomas Hill (University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill)
"Moral Responsibility of Bystanders" - Ken Kipnis (University of Hawaii, Manoa)
"Forced Abandonment and Euthanasia: A Question from Katrinas" - Aime Thomason (University of Miami)
"Ontology Made Easy"
2007 – 2008
- Timothy Williamson (Oxford University)
"What is A Priori Knowledge?"
2006 – 2007
- Robert Brandom (Pittsburgh)
"Kantian Lessons about Mind, Meaning and Rationality"
2005 – 2006
- Susan Wolf (University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill)
"The Meanings of Lives" - Stephen Yablo (MIT)
"Limits to Imagination" - Mary Domski (University of New Mexico)
"Locke, Newton, and the Mathematical Nature of Natural Philosophy"