Undergraduate Advising
Meet the Political Science Advising Team!
Norma Sides: nsides@uh.edu
Aketra Bowens: acbowens@Central.UH.EDU
All appointments will be made through Navigate. Other communications should be by email only, and the questions need to be such that we can respond to them with a simple answer. No information that is bound by FERPA is to be included. If an email response is not appropriate, we will send an email request for you to make an appointment for further discussion. We are usually working with students so please do not call or use TEAM chat.
Information about the major:
The political science major is a 30-credit major (10 courses). We offer both a B.A. (includes foreign language requirement) and a B.S. degree (additional math and science). You can find the checklists for both at the following link: https://www.uh.edu/class/political-science/undergraduate/degree-requirements/
To complete the degree, you will need 120 credits with a minimum of 36 of those hours advanced (3000 and 4000 level). Included in the 120 hours will be the core requirements, requirements for the selected B.A. or B.S. degree, CLASS diversity and block requirements as well as a second option (minor, major, etc.).
You will need to make an appointment through Navigate to declare the major. An overall GPA of 2.0 and registration in a minimum of one POLS class is required.
Information about the minors:
The political science department offers several minors:
- Political Science B.A.
- Political Science B.S.
- Political Science Minor
- Law, Value and Policy Minor
- Quantitative Social Science Minor
- National Security Studies Minor
Political science majors are able to minor in any minor at the University which includes any of these except the Political science minor. All students will need an appointment through Navigate to apply for their minor. A UH GPA of 2.0 is usually the minimum requirement.
To declare a minor, you must make an appointment through Navigate with the advisor from the department that houses the minor. This is the link to find an advisor: https://uh.edu/provost/students/advising/
Access to degree plans and transfer credit report:
Do you need your GPA or your GPA in the major? Are you curious how many credits you may have left or if your transfer credits have posted? You can look at your own Degree plan or transfer credit report at any time.
My UH Self Service > Student Center > My Academics (View My Transfer Credit Report, or view My Advisement Report). Note: The My Academics tab is on the left side of the screen in the Academic area.
Student’s need to be aware that the Degree plan is not a perfect document. There are occasionally issues with it. Please do not panic if something seems incorrect. Instead make an appointment with your advisor. We are aware of many of these issues and have ways of getting the degree plan corrected.
Transfer courses: If a course you took elsewhere did not get evaluated as you expected, you can always petition it to be re-evaluate by the specific department of the course in question. You will need a syllabus for the course you took. Information about transferring credits can be found here: https://uh.edu/undergraduate-admissions/apply/transferring-credit/
When you are ready to submit petitions use this link: https://uh.edu/undergraduate-admissions/apply/transferring-credit/transfer-credit-petition-eform---student.pdf
Transfer students: We look forward to working with you when you are officially at the University of Houston. We are fortunate to have Transfer Student Advisors that are available to assist you. Please contact them directly, they definitely are more versed in how many of the courses will transfer to the University. Find your Transfer advisor in this list: https://uh.edu/provost/students/advising/#tap-business
Texas Direct: Students who complete the Texas Core Curriculum and Field of Study at any public two-year institution automatically qualify to transfer their courses as a block applied directly to the Political Science Major. Please find more details here.