Center for Couples Therapy

Couples Check-up
Our Couples Check-up involves a comprehensive assessment of a couple’s strength and weaknesses in communication and conflict. This profile is based on an extensive body of research on those facets of couples’ interaction that are related to long-term relationship success.
The Couples Check-up involves completion of questionnaires designed to tap the key relationship dimensions, actual observations of couple’s communication around issues of conflict, and measures of psychophysiological functioning that reflect patterns of emotional arousal. Information is obtained from husbands and wives separately, and summarized to provide an individualized profile for relationship success for each couple. Once completed, a comprehensive report summarizing these results is prepared and discussed with the couple in an individualized feedback session with a licensed psychologist (for $450) or with a graduate student ($300).
For more information, call The Center for Couples Therapy at 713-743-8600, or e-mail
Helping couples help themselves.
Starting soon!
New couples group starting one evening per week 6:00pm - 8:00pm. This 12-week long Gottman Method group meets in room 1100 Health 2 building. Cost is $30 per couple per session.
Email for more information.
Low-fee couples therapy
Low-fee couples therapy on campus is now available in the new Health 2 building. Cost starts at $50 per couple per session, based on a sliding scale considering income and number of dependents.
Email for more information.