ELPS Research
The Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies is home to several centers and additional scholarship.
Asian American Studies Center
The AASC is an interdisciplinary academic center dedicated to the study of Asian/Asian Americans in the United States and abroad. Its mission is to generate knowledge, increase awareness and foster rich opportunities for learning about the Asian/Asian American experience.
Center for Research, Evaluation and Advancement of Teacher Education
CREATE is a multi-system educational research consortium focusing on issues of teacher preparation and teacher quality. CREATE is composed of 56 teacher education institutions across Texas. Its mission is to improve the quality and effectiveness of teacher preparation programs in Texas universities through research and development that focuses on teacher education practices and the effects of these practices on public school improvement. CREATE has received generous funding from a variety of sources, including the Houston Endowment, the Sid W. Richardson Foundation and The Meadows Foundation.
Institute for Education Policy Research and Evaluation
IEPRE is a group of scholars and educational decision-makers focused on improving P-20 education. IEPRE engages in evaluation of P-20 educational policy initiatives and translates research into evidence-based practice for decision makers, paying particular attention to the needs of historically underserved populations. Through its research, policy evaluation and dissemination of evidence-based practice, IEPRE works to improve educational quality and student success from preschool through college.
Journal of Research on Leadership Education
The Journal of Research on Leadership Education (JRLE), an electronic peer-reviewed journal, provides an international venue for scholarship and discourse on the teaching and learning of leadership across the many disciplines that inform the field of educational leadership. JRLE seeks to promote and disseminate rigorous scholarship on the teaching, learning, and assessing of leadership preparation and practice, the political and contextual issues that impact leadership education, and the links between leadership education and student learning. JRLE accepts empirical and conceptual articles and embraces both traditional and emergent research paradigms.