UH College of Education Researchers to Present High-Impact Work at AERA Conference

Posted April 11, 2023 — Nearly five dozen researchers from the University of Houston College of Education will share their scholarship on teacher and principal development, student success, community engagement and other equity-focused topics at the 2023 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting.
The conference, taking place April 13-16 in Chicago and virtually May 4-5, will bring together thousands of scholars around the theme of “Interrogating Consequential Education Research in Pursuit of Truth.”
“This year’s AERA meeting theme resonates deeply,” said Interim Dean and Moores Professor Cathy Horn. “As the College of Education in one of the nation’s most diverse cities, we have unique opportunity and responsibility to carry out work that generates from collective experience, rigorously interrogates systems, and advances community-centered, asset-based solutions.”
Presenters from the College include faculty, staff, students and alumni.
“As a researcher I will get to be uplifted, critiqued and in some ways affirmed about the work with which I am engaging,” said Associate Professor Dave Louis, whose two presentations address the experiences and perceptions of African Diasporic populations. “Both are counternarratives of populations that are seldom heard from in popular discourses in higher education.”
The seminal conference allows for important global connections.
“I see AERA as an opportunity to share my work with national and international education colleagues,” said Professor Kmt Shockley, who will present on African Centered Education, which centers the needs of Black youth and communities.
Researchers from the UH Asian American Studies Center, housed in the College of Education, also noted the value of disseminating their work on peer mentoring to the international education community.
“Our research findings have shown that doctoral student mentors significantly help undergraduate mentees to manage stress and personal health concerns and to more effectively navigate university services,” said program manager Gayle Curtis, who will present with program manager Amy Murdock and Center Director and University Endowed Professor Yali Zou. “Mentors help mentees develop skills in areas such as time management, organization, academic writing, interpersonal communication and networking — all of which serve to promote student retention and academic success.”
As researchers interested in literacy, Assistant Professor Miao Li will present on an acceleration program that improves reading fluency and comprehension in bilingual children, and Associate Professor Laveria Hutchison will present on issues related to literacy sponsorship, book selections and instructional practices that consider students’ cultural identities.
“AERA provides me with current and innovative professional learning opportunities that I can share with my students,” Hutchison said.
Associate Professor Virginia Snodgrass Rangel agreed that the collaboration with both students and colleagues supports improved scholarship.
“Attending AERA as a graduate student was really helpful for my own development and I feel privileged to be able to pay that forward,” said Snodgrass Rangel, whose presentations include a collaboration with Clinical Associate Professor Keith Butcher on how aspiring school principals engage in equity-related work during their internships.
“AERA has become my favorite conference for connecting with researchers who study motivation in education,” said Assistant Professor Allison Master, whose graduate students will present on STEM-related topics, including how Hispanic/Latinx middle school students’ racial/ethnic stereotypes about math predict their own motivation for math.
Associate Professor Elsa Gonzalez and postdoctoral research fellow Emma Perez will present on student success in STEM as well, focused on Latina undergraduates at a Hispanic-serving institution. Their research, as part of a five-year National Science Foundation CAREER grant, has found several strategies of success, including communal student networks, faculty support, and ethnic and/or gender-specific STEM organizations.
Explore the list of all AERA presentations and meetings featuring UH College of Education members.
In-Person Conference
Thursday, April 13, 2023
- How Mentoring Fulfills the Need for Autonomy, Competence, and Relatedness
8 – 9:30 a.m., Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Lobby - Level 3, Streeterville
Authors: Virginia Snodgrass Rangel, Jerrod Henderson, Chelsea Martinez, Lori Rhea and Ricky Greer - Social/Emotional Culture of Care of Peer Mentoring in Higher Education
8 – 9:30 a.m., Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park, Floor: B2 Level, Imperial Ballroom
Authors: Gayle Curtis, Amy Murdock and Yali Zou - Data-Informed Grow Your Own Programs: Tailoring Responsive Paraeducator of Color and Indigenous Paraeducator Teacher Development Pathways
8 – 9:30 a.m., Swissôtel Chicago, Floor: Event Centre, 1st Floor, Zurich E
Author: Conra Gist - Truth, Incarceration, and Critical Media Literacy: Stories From One Immigrant Detention Center
11:40 a.m. – 1:10 p.m., Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park, Floor: B2 Level, Imperial Ballroom
Author: Mikel Cole - Examining MathTok as a Space for Learning
11:40 a.m. – 1:10 p.m., Swissôtel Chicago, Floor: Lucerne Level, Alpine II
Authors: Morgan Mitchell and Sarah Jerasa - Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Decision Making and Their Selection of Digital Curricular Materials
11:40 a.m. – 1:10 p.m., Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 4, Sheraton Ballroom IV and V
Author: Anita Sundrani - Research on Teacher Induction SIG Business Meeting
11:40 a.m. – 1:10 p.m., Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 4, Chicago Ballroom IX
Officer: Sissy Wong - Ensuring Equity in Grow Your Own Programs: Advancing State-Level Criteria for Program Design
2:50 – 4:20 p.m., Swissôtel Chicago, Floor: Event Centre, 1st Floor, Zurich D
Author: Conra Gist - Imagination, Play, and Creativity as Sustainable Self-Study Practice
4:40 – 6:10 p.m., Swissôtel Chicago, Floor: Lucerne Level, Alpine I
Chair: Gayle Curtis - Examining the Consequences of Our Practice as Interventions in Multiple Education Landscapes: A Collaborative Self-Study
4:40 – 6:10 p.m., Swissôtel Chicago, Floor: Lucerne Level, Alpine I
Author: Gayle Curtis
Friday, April 14, 2023
- Employability Translation for Employment Outcomes Between Immigrant and American PhD Graduates
8 - 9:30 a.m., Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile, Floor: 4th Floor, Addison - 1/2 Marriott Ballroom
Authors: Elsa Gonzalez and Binh Chi Bui - Exploring Instruments Used in Teacher Education Contexts
8 - 9:30 a.m., Hyatt Regency Chicago, Floor: West Tower - Ballroom Level, Regency C
Author: Melissa Gallagher - “Not in My Town, Not on My Watch”: A Critical Discourse Analysis of News Media Coverage of School Boards
8 - 9:30 a.m., Hyatt Regency Chicago, Floor: East Tower- Ballroom Level, Grand Hall J
Author: Ruth López - Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers
8 - 9:30 a.m., Swissôtel Chicago, Floor: Event Centre, 1st Floor, Vevey 3
Discussant: Conra Gist - Preservice Teachers’ Diverse Text Selections: Equitable Considerations for Teacher Education
9:50 – 11:20 a.m., Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park, Floor: B2 Level, Imperial Ballroom
Authors: Sarah Jerasa, Azizah Curry Iluore, Anita Sundrani and Laveria Hutchison - Transformational Leadership and Philanthropy: The Importance of Leadership Over Consultants
9:50 – 11:20 a.m., Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park, Floor: B2 Level, Imperial Ballroom
Author: Yali Zou - Voices of Black Leadership: Perceptions of University-Community Relationships Within Black Neighborhoods
9:50 – 11:20 a.m., Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 4, Sheraton Ballroom IV and V
Authors: Dave Louis, Kenzalia Bryant-Scott and Teranda Joy Donatto - Building a SIG for Research on Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers
11:40 a.m. – 1:10 p.m., Swissôtel Chicago, Floor: Event Centre, 1st Floor, Zurich F
Chairs: Conra Gist and Fatemeh Mirghassemi - Research on Women and Education SIG Business Meeting
11:40 a.m. – 1:10 p.m., InterContinental Chicago Magnificent Mile, Floor: 11th Floor, Exchange North
Chair: Detra Johnson - Does Reading Acceleration Program Improve Reading Fluency and Comprehension in Bilingual Children?
2:50 – 4:20 p.m., Swissôtel Chicago, Floor: Lucerne Level, Alpine I
Author: Miao Li - Examining the Discourse and Context of School Safety and Discipline
2:50 – 4:20 p.m., Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 2, Michigan B
Discussant: Virginia Snodgrass Rangel - Are Hispanic-Serving Institutions in Texas Serving Latinas in STEM?
2:50 – 4:20 p.m., Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 2, Missouri
Authors: Elsa Gonzalez and Emma Perez - Division A Business Meeting
6 – 7:30 p.m., Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 4, Sheraton Ballroom I
Officer: Detra Johnson
Saturday, April 15, 2023
- AERA Minority Fellows Mentoring Meeting With the Minority Fellowship Selection Committee
7 - 9:30 a.m., Hyatt Regency Chicago, Floor: East Tower - Concourse Level, Randolph 2
Participant: Rhoda Freelon - Student Mobility and Academic Performance Over the COVID Pandemic
8 - 9:30 a.m., Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile, Floor: 7th Floor, Grand Ballroom Salon III
Authors: Toni Templeton, Fiza Mairaj, Sara Sands and Cathy Horn - Translanguaging Practices in Global K–12 Science Classrooms: A Systematic Literature Review
8 - 9:30 a.m., Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 2, Superior A
Authors: Zhenjie Hou, Jie Zhang and Araceli Enriquez-Andrade - Infusing Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices Into Professional Learning for Dyslexia Interventionists
8 - 9:30 a.m., Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 4, Chicago Ballroom VIII
Author: Laveria Hutchison - The College Students That Work Too Much to Persist
8 - 9:30 a.m., Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 2, Arkansas
Author: Binh Chi Bui - Reaching African American Students: Profile of an African-Centered Teacher
8 - 9:30 a.m., Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 2, Ontario
Author: Kmt Shockley - Performing Professionalism in Teacher Education: A Theoretical Essay
8 - 9:30 a.m., Swissôtel Chicago, Floor: Event Centre, 1st Floor, Vevey 3
Author: Laura Shelton - Understanding Individual and Contextual Predictors of Students’ STEM Major Intention and Promoting Diversity in STEM
9:50 – 11:20 a.m., Hyatt Regency Chicago, Floor: West Tower - Ballroom Level, New Orleans
Chair: Daijiazi Tang - Interest Stereotypes Predict Adolescents’ Beliefs That Computer Science Is Useful and Intentions to Major in STEM
9:50 – 11:20 a.m., Hyatt Regency Chicago, Floor: West Tower - Ballroom Level, New Orleans
Authors: Daijiazi Tang and Allison Master - Literacy Sponsorship: Implications for Teacher Roles, Student Book Choice, and Equitable Literacy Access
9:50 – 11:20 a.m., Swissôtel Chicago, Floor: Lucerne Level, Alpine I
Authors: Sarah Jerasa, Lauren Ely and Laveria Hutchison - Counselors, Not Cops: A Narrative Inquiry of Youth Organizing for Police-Free Schools
9:50 – 11:20 a.m., Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 4, Sheraton Ballroom IV and V
Authors: Zongqi Li and Rhoda Freelon - STEM Intention of High School Students: Its Development and Antecedents
9:50 – 11:20 a.m., Hyatt Regency Chicago, Floor: West Tower - Ballroom Level, New Orleans
Authors: Weihua Fan and Daijiazi Tang - Doing Professional Development During Trauma Times: Working Through Tensions in Equity-Focused Professional Development With Mentor Teachers
9:50 – 11:20 a.m., Swissôtel Chicago, Floor: Event Centre, 1st Floor, Zurich E
Authors: Jeannette Alarcón, Azizah Curry Iluore and Laura Shelton - AERA Open Closed Editorial Board Meeting
9:50 – 11:20 a.m., Hyatt Regency Chicago, Floor: East Tower - Concourse Level, Roosevelt 3 A & B
Participant: Cathy Horn - Males in Nurse Technician Programs: A Social Cognitive Analysis of Gender Gaps in Career Development
9:50 – 11:20 a.m., Radisson Blu Aqua Hotel, Chicago, Floor: 2nd Floor, Caribbean
Author: Virginia Snodgrass Rangel - Charting the Landscape of Research on Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers
11:40 a.m. – 1:10 p.m., Swissôtel Chicago, Floor: Event Centre, 1st Floor, Vevey 3
Chair: Conra Gist - Invisibility, Antiblackness, and Pan-African Connectivity: Afro-Trinidadian Faculty Members Navigating the American Academy
11:40 a.m. – 1:10 p.m., Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 4, Sheraton Ballroom II
Author: Dave Louis - The Stories of Great Men: Historical Agency in Evangelical Christian American History Textbooks
11:40 a.m. – 1:10 p.m., Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 4, Sheraton Ballroom II
Author: Anne Perry - Leading From the Classroom: Teacher Leadership in New York City Schools
2:50 – 4:20 p.m., Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 2, Colorado
Author: Sara Sands
Sunday, April 16, 2023
- Leading With Nondominant Communities: Disrupting Traditional Notions of Public Relations in Educational Leadership Courses
8 - 9:30 a.m., Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 4, Sheraton Ballroom IV and V
Authors: Rhoda Freelon and Ruth López - A Descriptive Study of Principal Candidates’ Equity-Oriented Work in Their Internships
8 - 9:30 a.m., Swissôtel Chicago, Floor: Lucerne Level, Lucerne 2
Authors: Keith Butcher and Virginia Snodgrass Rangel - Virtual Academic Advising at Community Colleges: Opportunities and Challenges for Supporting Student Success
9:50 – 11:20 a.m, Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 2, Huron
Authors: Mimi Lee, Gerald Von Bourdeau, Lyle McKinney and Yolanda Barnes - Equity and Community Contexts: Implications for Educational Leadership and Policy
9:50 – 11:20 a.m, Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 2, Erie
Discussant: Ruth López - Vice-Presidential Session. Community-Based Education That Is Consequential: A Foregrounding of Latina/o/x Communities in Texas, Illinois, and California Securing Presence in K–12 Public Education
9:50 – 11:20 a.m, Swissôtel Chicago, Floor: Event Centre, 1st Floor, Zurich D
Discussant: Conra Gist - Bourdieu’s Concepts for Research on Minority Graduates’ Improvement Potential: The Case of Adult Learning for Employability
11:40 a.m. – 1:10 p.m., Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 2, Arkansas
Author: Binh Chi Bui - Leading for Racial Justice and Culturally Responsive Practices
2:50 – 4:25 p.m., Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk, Floor: Level 2, Colorado
Chair: April Peters-Hawkins
Virtual Conference
Thursday, May 4, 2023
- Collegiate Inequities and Insecurities From COVID-19 and Among Student Athletes
9:45 – 11:15 a.m., Division J Virtual Sessions, Division J - Postsecondary Education Virtual Paper Room 2
Chair: Binh Chi Bui - Using Child Actors in Educational Research: Teachers’ Ability to Distinguish Authentic Responses From Actors' Responses
11:30 – 1 p.m., SIG Virtual Rooms, Survey Research in Education SIG Virtual Paper Room
Authors: Melissa Gallagher, Morgan Mitchell and Shaimaa Scrivner - Latent Profile Analysis of Adolescent Girls’ Self-Perceptions and Gender Stereotypes in Math
4:15 – 4:45 p.m., SIG Virtual Rooms, Motivation in Education SIG Virtual Paper Room
Authors: Suppanut Sriutaisuk and Allison Master
Thursday, May 4 – Friday, May 5, 2023
- Examining Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions Toward Translanguaging, Their Language Ideologies, and Self-Efficacy in Educating Emergent Bilinguals
Thursday, 8 a.m. – Friday 6 p.m., Division K Virtual Sessions, Division K - Section 05: Teacher and Teacher Educator Preparation Virtual Paper Room
Authors: Grace Lee and Jie Zhang
Friday, May 5, 2023
- Preservice Teachers Equitably Attending to and Interpreting Multilingual Students’ Mathematical Thinking
9:45 – 11:15 a.m., SIG Virtual Rooms, Research in Mathematics Education SIG Virtual Paper Room
Authors: Shaimaa Scrivner and Melissa Gallagher - The Direct and Indirect Role of Cognitive, Psychological, and Ecological Factors in Reading Comprehension
9:45 – 11:15 a.m., SIG Virtual Rooms, Research in Reading and Literacy SIG Virtual Paper Room
Authors: Huan Zhang and Miao Li - Latina Resilience in STEM Field: The Case of Chilean Female Faculty in Vocational-Technical Education
9:45 – 11:15 a.m., Division G Virtual Sessions, Division G - Social Context of Education Virtual Paper Room
Authors: Elsa Gonzalez and Emma Perez - Elementary Preservice Teachers’ Language Ideologies and Teaching Emergent Bilingual Students
11:30 – 1 p.m., Division K Virtual Sessions, Division K - Section 05: Teacher and Teacher Educator Preparation Virtual Paper Room
Authors: Marwa Elshafie and Jie Zhang - (Re)Imaging Teaching and Teacher Education: Centering the Voices and Experiences of Teachers
11:30 – 1 p.m., Division K Virtual Sessions, Division K - Section 01: Teacher Learning Virtual Paper Room
Chair: Anita Sundrani - Racial/Ethnic Stereotypes Predict Math Motivation in Hispanic Middle School Students
2:30 – 4 p.m., Division C Virtual Sessions, Division C - Section 1a: Literacy Virtual Session Room
Authors: Minh-Hao Tran, Allison Master, Taylor Alexander, Jennifer Thompson and Norma Olvera
— By Kathy Patnaude