March of Dimes 2016

The 2016 March of Dimes March for Babies was held on the University of Houston (UH) campus on Sunday, April 25th. There was plenty of food, fun and entertainment for the registered walkers. The UH Marching Band, who performed at the UH tent, also kicked off the event with Khambrel Marshall from KPRC Channel 2 at the starting line. They were a big encouragement for all the walkers.
The UH College of Education (UH COE) raised $1,513 in cash and online donations. This year we had a friendly competition between the Office of Undergraduate Studies and the Office of Graduate Studies. Team Undergrad just edged out Team Grad by $77.
This year more UH COE students participated in the event. UH COE student organizations were well represented with members from HSA (Health Student Association), KDP (Kappa Delta Phi Honor Society) and HDSA (Human Development Student Association) raising money and walking.
“We had a great mix of COE students, faculty and staff who supported the cause by raising funds and walking," said Team Captain, Paula Leveston. "I’ve had the pleasure of participating in the March of Dimes March for Babies for 10 years and coordinating for four of those years,” she said. “Thank you to the faculty, staff and students who participated in this great cause. Your friendly competition, time, donations and extended walk this weekend made a positive impact!”
UH Teacher Education student, Amanda Flores dedicated her walk to all the babies that are born prematurely and for her niece, Angel Escalona, who was born at 1lb., 6oz. and survived. "It's so satisfying to see other organizations and groups dedicated to making a difference," she said. "The March for Babies walk is a great cause and I'm glad I had the privilege to walk with the UH staff and families affected by this. I had a wonderful experience and I hope to walk again next year."
Several members of the UH Cougar Football Team joined the university by serving food at the tent and taking the event to a new level of Cougar Pride. Gringos Restaurant provided lunch after the walk and a variety of door prizes were given away to lucky Cougars.
"We walked for the babies, one step at a time, making each dollar raised count," said staff member Becky Perez. "I celebrated my 20th year walking for March of Dimes."