Characteristics of UH Doctoral Programs
The Characteristics of Doctoral Programs report was developed by the Coordinating Board's Graduate Education Advisory Committee (GEAC) in 2008 to provide a snapshot of doctoral programs offered by Texas public universities and health-related institutions. In compliance with rules outlined in the Texas Administrative Code, University of Houston has published information regarding 18 characteristics of doctoral programs. In 2017, the Characteristics were updated to include two additional characteristics that are particularly relevant for professional doctoral programs: professional licensure exam pass rates and average program tuition. As a result, there are now characteristics that all doctoral programs report and characteristics that only research or professional programs report. For additional information, consult the program’s website.
College of the Arts
College of Business
College of Education
Cullen College of Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering (Ph.D.)
- Chemical Engineering (Ph.D.)
- Civil Engineering (Ph.D.)
- Electrical Engineering (Ph.D.)
- Environmental Engineering (Ph.D.)
- Geosensing Systems Engineering & Sciences (Ph.D.)
- Industrial Engineering (Ph.D.)
- Materials Engineering (Ph.D.)
- Mechanical Engineering (Ph.D.)
- Petroleum Engineering (Ph.D.)
Hotel & Restaurant Management
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
College of Optometry
College of Pharmacy
College of Social Work
Completing the Characteristics of Doctoral Programs Report
The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) requires each doctoral program at a public university to provide data on prescribed characteristics. In fall 2017, the Characteristics report was updated to include additional characteristics that may be particularly relevant for professional doctoral programs; namely, professional licensure exam pass rates and average program tuition. Effective for the 2017 reporting cycle, there are characteristics which all doctoral programs report and characteristics that only research or professional programs report. The official reports will be published each year on the UH Graduate School website.
Due Date
Your electronic report to the Graduate School is due Friday, December 4, 2020. Send your completed spreadsheet as an attachment via email to Tashemia V. Jones. Please do not reformat the report or convert to Word or PDF.
Preparers are able to download their reporting form through UH Graduate School Share Point. The reporting form will include data for many of the characteristics pre-populated from the Graduate School (GS) and Institutional Research (IR) teams.
After downloading the reporting form for your program from your college/school's folder, it is your responsibility to review the data that has been prepopulated from the GS and IR. You may include supplemental information or explanatory notes in the “Comments” field, as necessary, to describe the data presented. You may also include corrections in the “Comments” field if your data do not agree with information obtained from the GS and IR. Please do not change the data that has been filled in for you.
After reviewing the report data prepopulated by the GS and IR, we need your input for the remaining items of the report. Information for the following measures is not available from central sources. Please provide the best information that you have available.
Completing the Form
- Program Name
- Please provide your program name
- Program's Website
- Please provide your program's URL at the top of the form
- Item 4 – Employment Profile (3 most recent years)
- Report the number and percentage of graduates employed in their field within one year of graduation, those still seeking employment, and unknown for each of the 3 most recent years. Employment includes full-time, self-employment, private practice, residency, fellowship, and other opportunities for further training or education.
- Item 5 – Admissions Criteria
- In the "Comments" field, include either the URL for your program's admission section in the Graduate Catalog or you may copy and paste that information into the response field.
- Item 6 – Core Faculty (3 most recent years)
- The Graduate School will provide you a list of the most recent list of Core Faculty previously reported. Please update the list and send it to Tashemia V. Jones by December 4, 2020 so that we may complete this portion for you.
- Item 7 – Core Faculty Activities (3 most recent years)
- Report the average number of discipline-related refereed papers/publications, juried creative/performance accomplishments, and notices of discoveries filed/patents issued per core faculty member for each of the 3 most recent years. If figures include duplicate entries for co-authored publications, indicate the number of duplicate entries in a note. Additional noteworthy faculty activities or awards may be explained in an attached comment. MD and DO programs are not required to report this characteristic
- Item 8 – Core Faculty Publications
- Your faculty are the best source for information about their publications, as they may have gathered this information for internal use or for reporting within the university. Please provide the best information you have available.
- Item 11 – External Program Accreditation
- Name of accrediting body and date of last program accreditation review, if applicable. There may not have been an external review. Note in the “Comments Field”.
- Item 13 – Date of last External Review
- Date of last formal external review. There may not have been an external review. Note in the “Comments Field”.
COMPLETE FOR RESEARCH DOCTORAL PROGRAMS: (in addition to all items listed above)
- Item 18R - Student Publications and Presentations (3 most recent years)
- Report the number of discipline-related refereed papers/publications, juried creative/performance accomplishments, and external presentations per year for each of the 3 most recent years. If figures include duplicate entries for co-authored publications, indicate the number of duplicate entries in a note.
There is not an official database of this information but you may have previously started gathering this information for internal use or for reporting within the university. Please provide the best information that you have available.
COMPLETE FOR PROFESSIONAL DOCTORAL PROGRAMS: (in addition to all items listed above)
- Item 19P – Average Tuition and Fees to Complete the Degree (3 most recent years)
- Report the combined annual tuition and program fees multiplied by the average number of years that graduates took to complete the degree for each of the three most recent years.
- Item 20P – Students Passing Licensure Exams (3 most recent years)
- Report the number and percentage of students in the cohort passing licensure exams for each of the three most recent years. Include both first-time and repeat test-takers. If there is no relevant licensure exam for the discipline, write “not applicable.”
Questions may be sent to Tashemia V. Jones, Assistant Director, Academic Affairs.