Academic Affairs
How do I apply for graduation?
- It is not an icon that should appear on your AccessUH. Apply to graduate by going to AccessUH, select myUH Self Service, select student center, then under the schedule planner you should see a drop-down menu. From that you should select to apply to graduation. If you are still having trouble finding where to apply, please contact your advisor so they can send you instructions.
- You can also reach the University Information Technology (UIT) HelpDesk if you still do not have access by:
- Calling (713) 743-1411 (IT Help Desk) or
- Sending email to support@uh.edu
How do I submit a medical leave?
This form is used when a student is withdrawing from a term for documented medical or administrative reasons (including military deployment and death of an immediate family member). Appropriate documentation should be attached to the request. A Checklist should be created in PeopleSfoft to upload medical documentation by the student or department personnel. Doctoral students should also attach a Graduate & Professional Student Petition requesting a leave of absence, and international students should attach a completed and approved Reduced Course Load form. Withdrawal paperwork is submitted to the academic personnel in the student's department or program to begin the approval/disapproval process. More information can be found https://www.uh.edu/graduate-school/forms/ under Medical/Administrative Term Withdrawal RequestHow do I submit a leave of absence?
This form is used for a variety of special requests regarding a student’s academic records, including leaves of absence. It can be initiated by the student or by the department and must be approved at all of the required levels before being processed by the Graduate School. Note: All petitions are submitted to the academic personnel in the student's department or program to begin the approval/disapproval process. For assistance, see the instructionsdocument. More information can be found https://www.uh.edu/graduate-school/forms/ under Graduate & Professional Student PetitionWhen is the last day to submit a thesis/dissertation?
Please refer to the current academic calendar https://www.uh.edu/graduate-school/Do graduate students have to submit a petition to be added or dropped from a course?
No. UNLESS it is passed the Official Reporting Day (ORD), then they will need to complete a graduate petition and submit it to the grad advisor for reviewCan students apply for late graduation?
Yes, there may be a late fee assessed.Where can I find more information on Dissertation Accelerator?
More information can be found at https://www.uh.edu/graduate-school/academics/thesis/dissertation_accelerator/Where can I find more information on Graduate Program Reviews?
More information can be found at https://www.uh.edu/graduate-school/academics/graduate-program-review/graduate-program-review1.phpWho in the Graduate School can students email for general questions?
Students should email gradschool@uh.edu for more information.
When will I get my admissions decision?
Please note that admissions decisions are made by the program, not the Graduate School. If you would like to inquire regarding the timeline for an admissions decision, you will need to contact the program advisor. A list of program advisors can be found here.What is the process of applying?
- The University of Houston Graduate School uses CollegeNET for the processing of graduate applications. Proceed to the following link to create a CollegeNET account, submit an application, review a submitted application, and access post-submission functionality. https://www.applyweb.com/uhouston/index.ftl
- The following will be needed to complete the online application:
- Scanned copies of official transcripts can be uploaded as PDF files and may be used by programs to make admission decisions. If admitted, however, you will not be able to enroll without the official transcript(s) showing undergraduate degree conferral on file.
- (If you have attended an institution outside of the United States, please see the Graduate School's International Applicants Transcript Information for country-specific requirements.)
- Official transcript(s) should be sent to:
University of Houston Graduate Admissions
5000 Gulf Freeway
UH Technology Bridge
Building No. 3, Rm 170
Houston, TX 77204-2105
- Test Scores (GRE, GMAT, etc.) should be sent by the testing agency. Refer to the program's website for test score requirements.
- International applicants must satisfy English proficiency requirements via satisfactory scores on the TOEFL or IELTS standardized exams. Use school code 6870 for reporting GRE and/or TOEFL scores.
- Letters of Recommendation are gathered electronically. You will be asked to provide e-mail addresses of your references. Refer to the program's website for the required number of letters.
- Personal Statement requirements vary by program. Refer to the program's website for instructions.
- Resume/Curriculum Vitae requirements vary by program. Refer to the program's website for instructions.
- Additional/Supplemental Materials may include a writing sample, a portfolio, a self-study, etc. Refer to the program's website for instructions.
- International applicants are strongly encouraged to upload the following documents, which will be required to obtain a student visa if admitted:
- A scanned copy of passport page(s) showing full name, date of birth, passport number and expiration date, photo of the passport holder and a Letter of Financial Backing.
What is the admission process for transferring applicants to University of Houston from another school?
Transfer applicants follow the same procedure as new graduate students. Any transfer credit determinations are made by the program faculty after an admissions offer is made.What is the status of my application?
You can check your application status and see any outstanding documents by logging back into your application at http://www.uh.edu/graduate-school/admissions/application-status/ Your checklist will include any materials you still need to submit, and you can also manage your letters of recommendation there.Is my application missing any documents?
If you have any questions regarding the materials still needed for your application or the status of your admission, please contact your program advisor. A full list of program advisors can be found here: http://www.uh.edu/graduate-school/academics/advising/Do I need to take any English proficiency test (IELTS, TOEFL, or Duolingo)?
- All graduate applicants, regardless of citizenship status, must demonstrate proficiency in English to obtain admission to the university.
- The only way to be exempt from taking any kind of English Language Proficiency Exam is if you have earned a baccalaureate degree (or higher) from a regionally accredited U.S. institution or at an institution at which English is the medium of instruction in the following countries: Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the Bahamas, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Jamaica, Liberia, Trinidad, the Virgin Islands, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Barbados, Grenada, Turks and Caicos, and English-speaking Canadian provinces.
- If this is not your case, you will have to provide an ELP test: TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo.
What should I do if my English proficiency test agency is closed?
Due to the current situation, we understand that some testing agencies are closed. However, there are still some options available for ELP test to be taken online, like TOEFL and Duolingo. Please see the link for more information: http://www.uh.edu/graduate-school/international-students/english-proficiency/Is my international degree equivalent?
A full evaluation of your transcript is not completed until you start the application process. If you have a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution in your home country (especially if it is a four-year degree) - we encourage you to apply for the master's program at UH.How would I be admitted? What documents do I need to submit?
The application process for graduate admissions is a holistic process in which you will also be required to submit a personal statement, resume or CV, and 3 letters of recommendation.How do I defer my admission?
The admission deferral process is initiated by the academic advisor of the program to which you applied to. Contact them directly for more information. Here is a list of all graduate programs and their contact information: http://www.uh.edu/graduate-school/academics/advising/Can you tell me more information about a Graduate Program?
- Please contact the advisor for your program of interest for more information about the program and the application process. Advisor Contact Information: http://www.uh.edu/graduate-school/academics/advising/
- Tuition and Fees: http://www.uh.edu/financial/graduate/tuition-fees/
- How to apply: http://www.uh.edu/graduate-school/admissions/how-to-apply/
- Details for International students: http://www.uh.edu/graduate-school/international-students/
Why are Graduate Programs not showing up on ApplyTexas?
To apply to the Graduate School you will need to use ApplyWeb, not ApplyTexas. Please find the link to the online application on the Graduate School's website http://www.uh.edu/graduate-school/prospective-students/how-to-apply/Why am I having CollegeNET Technical Issues?
If you are having technical issues with the website or log in, please contact CollegeNet Helpdesk. The Helpdesk can be found here: https://www.applyweb.com/public/input?s=helpapp or via the link at the bottom of each page of the applicationWhat is the process of Conditional Admission?
The process for conditional acceptance is started by the program advisor, so you need to contact them directly with your question. A full list of UH graduate program websites, deadlines, and advisor contact information can be found here: http://www.uh.edu/graduate-school/admissions/contacts-and-deadlines/When will Duolingo scores reflect as received?
- Your duolingo scores were received, please allow 24hrs for the scores to reflect as received on your end.
- If this change does not occur, please contact us back.
What if I cannot take IELTS/TOEFL?
- For international graduate applicants, the University of Houston Graduate School has approved the temporary use of the Duolingo English Test in place of the in-person TOEFL and IELTS English proficiency exams. Duolingo English Tests are valid for two years from the date the test was taken.
- Please see our website for more information:
- https://uh.edu/graduate-school/international-students/english-proficiency/
Is Duolingo required?
If you have already taken the TOEFL or IELTS scores you do not need to take the Duolingo test. The Duolingo test is another option for students that cannot test for IELTS/TOEFL because of the current situation with the COVID-19. Here is more information: https://uh.edu/graduate-school/international-students/english-proficiency/How do I submit my TOEFL scores?
If you already have your TOEFL scores, please make sure to submit them electronically through ETS using the school code 6870.How do I submit my IELTS scores?
For IELTS scores, once you submit your application and a decision has been made on your application, we are able to verify the scores electronically through TRF using the IELTS website. Simply make sure you upload a copy of your official scores to your application.Can my recommender submit a letter of recommendation via email?
All letters of recommendation are gathered electronically through our application system due to security reasons.How can I submit a letter of recommendation?
The applicant will have to provide your email address when prompted in their application, and once they submit all emails, you will receive an email with detailed instructions on how to provide a LOR for the student.What can I do if I’m having technical issues when submitting the letter of recommendation?
What immunizations do I need to take before starting my classes?
- The Graduate School does not deal with immunization requirements.
- Here is a helpful link to this matter: http://www.uh.edu/academics/courses-enrollment/policies/immunization/
Cost of Attendance
How do I calculate the cost of tuition and fees?
The following link will take you directly onto our website which can provide you with an up-to-date estimated cost of tuition and fees for our programs here at UH. Please click on the following link and fill in the spaces (ie. Residency, College, Career Level, Hours) as needed to get an accurate estimate of tuition/costs: http://www.uh.edu/financial/graduate/tuition-fees/How can I submit a payment?
- For this information it would be best to contact the bursar's office. You can pay online through your AccessUH, myUH Self Service, Student Financials. The payment options below are accepted:
- Credit card or debit card. A credit card processing fee of 1.61% (subject to change) will be charged for each transaction.
- Electronic check withdrawn from a United States bank account. No transaction fees. You will be asked to provide a routing number and an account number. You may obtain the information from your bank.
- UH Bursar's office:
- Customer Services Phone: (713) 743-1010, option 6
- Email: bursar@uh.edu
- If you have further questions please see link: https://uh.edu/financial/payment/faq/
How much do I have to pay this semester?
- For this information it would be best to contact the bursar's office. You can also check your summary by going to AccessUH, myUH Self Service, Student Financials, and Summary. Your semester balance is dependent on how many classes you take per semester as well as your residency status, so there is a possibility that this may change.
- UH Bursar's office:
- Customer Services Phone: (713) 743-1010, option 6
- Email: bursar@uh.edu
- If you have further questions please see link: https://uh.edu/financial/payment/faq/
Financial Support
Whom do I contact for financial support?
Contact the Admissions Advisor for your program of interest for more information regarding financial support. A full list of advisors can be found here: http://www.uh.edu/graduate-school/academics/advising/How can I be eligible for a tuition waiver?
- International and out-of-state students may be eligible for a tuition waiver by being a Competitive Scholarship recipient or TA-RA Employment Waiver recipient.
- For more details on TA-RA Employment waiver, read the following document: https://uh.edu/policies/_docs/mapp/11/110303.pdf
How do I get an assistantship position?
- Contact academic advisors or professors to see if there are any assistantship opportunities available. A full list of advisors can be found here: http://www.uh.edu/graduate-school/academics/advising/
- Additionally, you can check Cougar Pathway, an icon on your AccessUH, for active posting of assistantship positions.
How can I be eligible for an application fee waiver?
Any requests for fee waivers should be directed to the admissions advisor for your program of interest. Each program sets their own guidelines for when/if they will waive an application fee. You can find a list of all of the graduate programs advisor contacts at: http://www.uh.edu/graduate-school/academics/advising/
Helpful Links
How to apply?
Tuition and fees
Details for International Students
Advisor’s contact list website
Programs and Contact Information
Graduate Programs
How do I initiate the I-20 process?
Once you have accepted your offer of admission, your admissions advisor submits an I-20 request to the Graduate School. At that time, we will review your request to ensure it is complete.When should I upload my financial documents for my I-20?
- It is advised that you upload all the documents while applying. However, ensure you have uploaded all documents once you are admitted and accepted the offer.
- You will need to upload the following documents to your application checklist:
- Letter of Financial Backing Form (https://www.uh.edu/graduate-school/i-20/)
- Bank Statement
- Passport Biometric Pages (for yourself and all dependents)
- Transfer – In (To be used if transferring a SEVIS record from another University)form from your current school with SEVIS release date. This form can be found on your application checklist
- For faster processing, ensure all documents are less than six months old, and have valid signatures.
How do I submit my documents?
Upload all your documents to your application checklist in the applyweb portal. Documents will not be accepted individually via email, fax or in hard copy.How long will my I-20 take?
I-20 requests are processed in the order they are completed. For example, if your I-20 request is submitted complete, it will be processed upon initial review. Once processed, your I-20 will be created by the SEVIS system. Please allow 5 to 7 business days from submission of the I-20 to SEVIS for completion of the document. Your document will be sent to you via email once processing is complete.How long will the I-20 take if I must resubmit documents?
Once you have submitted your missing documents, please email us at gradschool@uh.edu for confirmation of receipt. I-20 requests are processed in the order they are complete, so once your request is complete, you will be put back into the queue for processing.How do I determine the costs for the I-20?
You can find the amount you will need to show for the I-20 by using the calculator at https://www.uh.edu/graduate-school/i-20/. The calculator is intended for estimation purposes only. Additional charges related to your specific program are not reflected.Why is my scholarship (in-state tuition waiver) not reflecting on my I-20?
Check the year and semester of the scholarship you’ve been granted in your admit letter. If you have a scholarship that entitles you to in-state tuition, select "yes" in the competitive scholarship waiver field.
myUH Password
How to reset the password for myUH?
- Please visit my.uh.edu and click on the 'Forgot Password' link. Then follow directions.
- If you have your PeopleSoft ID, you are able to reset your password yourself.
- Simply use this link: https://accessuh.uh.edu/login.php
- Make sure you are in the MyUH (PeopleSoft) Login tab and click reset my UH (PeopleSoft ID) link. Follow the instructions from there on.
Residency for Tuition Purposes
How can I change my residency status?
Information about residency for tuition purposes is found at: http://www.uh.edu/admissions/admitted/residency-requirements/How do I review or update my residency status?
If you would like to have your residency status reviewed and/or updated, you will need to submit the Residency Questionnaire found on that website to the Office of the University Registrar. All questions regarding residency for tuition purposes should be directed to residency@uh.edu
What is the overall process of Transcripts?
For more information about the overall process, please check out the Graduate School's International F-1 Student Guide at http://www.uh.edu/graduate-school/international-students/international-admitted-students/What is the status of my transcript's evaluation?
Your application is still in the process of being evaluated by one of our transcript analysts. If there is anything missing for evaluation purposes, you will be contacted directly by them.How will the "Awaiting Official Transcripts" status change?
The status of "Awaiting Official Transcripts" will not change until after we have received official documents through the mail. However, you do not need to submit official documents until after you have been granted admissions to the program you applied to.How to upload documents for transcripts?
You can upload your transcript yourself by simply logging back into your application on: https://www.applyweb.com/uhouston/ and uploading a single PDF file under 'upload copy of transcript' section. You will find this section after clicking the View Checklist button on the home screen.Why can't I enroll in courses?
If admitted, you will not be able to enroll without the official documents showing prior degree conferral on file.What are the transcript details for International Students?
Please view the following link for the University of Houston's requirements for a complete transcript per specific country: http://www.uh.edu/graduate-school/international-students/transcripts/How do I schedule an appointment regarding transcripts and PDV?
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ONLY. You must schedule an appointment with us to provide official copies of your transcripts, semester marksheets and degree certificates in person. Call or email us to set up the appointment. Transcripts or attested copies of marksheets and degree certificates will only be accepted as official if provided in sealed and stamped envelopes issued by your university.How can I determine if I submitted a complete academic record from India?
- Individual mark sheets from all semesters attended including all attempts
- Provisional or Final Degree Certificate (if already awarded)
- * A consolidated mark sheet will not be sufficient for documentation requirements.
- * Attested copies of documentation must be made by the issuing university or autonomous college. They must be in a sealed and stamped envelope by the university registrar in order to be considered official.
- More information can be found here: https://www.uh.edu/graduate-school/international-students/transcripts/
Are outside evaluations taken into consideration?
Unfortunately, the Graduate School does not accept any outside evaluations since all evaluations are done in house. Simply upload a copy of your official transcripts (original language and translations) to your application and one of our transcript analysts will be able to evaluate your application. If anything is missing for evaluation purposes, you will be contacted directly by one of our transcript analysts.