Curriculum Changes
Proposals to Change Curriculum in Existing Degree Programs
- Altering the previously approved admissions requirements of a program
- Reorganization of required & elective coursework
- Creating a new elective track/concentration/specialization
- Discontinuing an existing elective track/concentration/specialization
If proposed changes impact the total of the minimum number of semester credit hours, please consult the UH Academic Program Planning website: Academic Program Planning - University of Houston (uh.edu)
Proposals should follow the steps outlined below:
Step One
Notification Memo
- Complete a Notification Memo. The Notification Memo is to come from the Associate/Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies of the college.
- The Notification Memo is to be addressed to the Dean of the Graduate School.
- The Notification Memo is to Cc the Chair of the Graduate Professional Studies Committee (GPSC) and the Graduate School Assistant Director for Graduate Programs.
- Please note, a Notification Memo includes: 1. A clearly stated and succinct request, 2. Nature and rationale/justification for the request, 3. Statement about budget implications, if any 4. A faculty contact and phone, and 5. References/citations, which may support the rational/justification for the request.
- In addition:
- Ensure that the Notification Memo is initialed by the Associate/Assistant Dean,
- Ensure that the Notification Memo is on Office of the Dean Letterhead,
- Submit Notification Letter to the GPSC by emailing gpsc@uh.edu
Step Two
GPSC Review
- Following receipt of the Notification Memo by the Graduate School, the curriculum change proposal will be placed on the GPSC legislative calendar and referred to the appropriate subcommittee.
- The subcommittee will review the proposal and provide feedback, ask questions, or request revisions from the originating unit. The subcommittee will make a recommendation to the full GPSC for approval or disapproval of the proposal
- The full GPSC will consider the proposal and either: (1) approve the prooposal, or (2) reject the proposal and request that the college reconsider the proposal and resubmit.
- Approved proposals will be added to the next edition of the Graduate Catalog and become effective during the next fall term.
Step Three
Notification to Associate Dean and Relevent On-Campus Parties
- Following approval by the GPSC, the Graduate School will notify the Associate Dean who submitted the proposal.
- Catalog language reflecting the approved curriculum change will be added to the forthcoming Graduate Catalog. Catalog language edits are due each winter to the Graduate School; however any proposal approved by the GPSC will be reflected in the next Graduate Catalog regardless of the published deadline for submitting edits.
- The Graduate School Assistant Director for Graduate Programs will notify appropriate on-campus parties (i.e., Office of the Registrar) to create new tracks/concentrations/specializations in UH data systems.