How to Use the Course Listings
Course Number:
The Honors course number. Courses with an “H” get Honors credit automatically. Courses without an H must be petitioned for Honors credit. Courses that may be petitioned are indicated with: Petition for Honors Credit
Many courses listed in the Honors Coursebook are hidden and you will not find them by searching in the online system. When you want to register for an Honors course that is not listed, use the class number listed in the coursebook to add it manually to your cart.
Honors Minor Tags:
These tags indicate how the course may be counted toward your degree plan.
- <CW> - This course counts toward the Creative Work minor.
- <DS> - This course counts toward the Data and Society minor.
- <ES> - This course counts toward the Energy and Sustainability minor.
- <LS> - This course counts toward the Leadership Studies minor.
- <MS> - This course counts toward the Medicine & Society minor.
- <PHP> - This course counts toward the Phronêsis: Politics & Ethics minor.
- <HC> - This course counts as an Honors Colloquium.
Course Description:
Course description may include prerequisites for the course (which will normally be listed first) and what will be covered in the course. Instructors may explain how the course will be graded or indicate special elements of the course.
<Num> sections are available:
There are multiple sections of this course available. All sections should be listed together in the course listing.
This course is cross-listed as Course 1234 (12345):
You may register for this course under more than one department. Select the one that best satisfies your major or minor requirements.
Course information is provided for courses with required labs.
Class Number:
You will need this class number to register for this class. Not all courses listed in the Honors Coursebook can be searched for in the online registration system. You may need to type in the class number manually to add the course.
Instructional Mode:
Each course in the Honors Coursebook will be listed with one of four instructional modes: Asynchronous, Synchronous, Face-to-Face, and HyFlex.
- Asynchronous - An online course with no face-to-face component or virtual meeting times.
- Synchronous - An online course with no face-to-face component but does meet at a particular time and date.
- Face-to-Face - All students in a face-to-face course must come to class in-person and the course is not required to be livestreamed or recorded.
- Hybrid - A course that usually meets face-to-face one day a week for 1 to 1.5 hours and also has online course components through Teams or Canvas.