Research Computing
University Information Technology (UIT) can asssit researchers with security and compliance, support for desktop, phones, WiFi, web and computational needs. Below are the key contacts to call with help with:
- Developing security best practices, coordinates security issues, conducts investigations, reports, and works with UIT and other departments to minimize security risks and assure compliance with security policies and procedures. For assistance, please contact:
Sven Hahues
Asst VP/VC, IT Security, CISO
Chief Information Security Officer
- Finding technology solutions to the campus through desktop computing support, the Technology Commons lab, academic technologies such as classrooms and digital media services, web and communications technologies, network and telephone operations. For assistance, please contact:
David W. Johnson
Asst VP, UIT Technology Services and Support
- Access the University of Houston Research Computing Data Center (RCDC), a data center facility dedicated to serving researchers who have intensive computational tasks. For assistance, please contact:
Keith Crabb
Mgr, Enterprise Computing
- Access High Performance Research Networks (LEARN, RenoH), For assistance, please contact:
Charles Chambers
Director, Network Planning and Development, Enterprise Systems
- Access Science DMZ Networks. Installation and maintenance of high performance network connectivity to research labs. For assistance, please contact:
Help Desk - 713-743-1411:
Request: "Network Services";
with this option: "Science DMZ Installation"
- Access Div of Research IT Services. Div of Research File Shares, Print Service, ePO McAffe, Indentity FInder Service, User Request Tickets, and FileMaker Pro Billing / Invoices. For assistance, please contact:
Cris Milligan
Asst VP, Research Administration, Business Operations & IT