Muscle Biology and Cachexia Conference

Although much progress has been made in the understanding of the mechanisms of muscle biology and the development of cachexia, key discoveries leading to effective therapeutic interventions remain elusive for researchers in the field. In an effort to shed light on innovative basic and translational research underway in the prevention and treatment of a broad range of muscle disorders, the Muscle Biology and Cachexia Conference will bring together researchers, trainees, and industry representatives focused on skeletal and cardiac muscle biology, muscle stem cells, exercise physiology, cancer, and cancer-associated cachexia to share insights and establish collaborative relationships.
Muscle Biology & Cachexia Conference 2025
May 18-20, 2025 | University of Houston
Student Center South-Houston Room
Conference Highlights
- Keynote & Plenary Presentations by Leading Researchers
- Student and Postdoctoral Poster Presentations and "Short Talks" from Accepted Abstracts
- Awards for Best Poster/Podium Presentations
Registration Fees - Deadline: April 30
$200 academic faculty, $100 for students/postdoctoral trainees, and $500 for industry representatives
Sponsorships - Deadline: April 30
Pharmaceutical industry interests are invited to become a sponsor of the MBCC-2025. Sponsorship levels begin at $3,000, which includes logo/link on this page, a full-color ad in the program book, and recognition at the event. Please use the Sponsorship link below to process payment; for more information, please contact event organizers Ashok Kumar or Radbod Darabi.
Abstract Guidelines - Abstract Deadline: April 15
- Paid registration for abstract author must completed by April 15, 2025.
- Accepted file format: Microsoft Word or PDF
- Maximum length: Body of abstract must not exceed 300 words, excluding the title, authors, and affiliations.
Accommodations are available at the Hilton Hotel - University of Houston, 4450 University Dr., Houston, TX 77204 (conveniently located directly across the street from the conference site). Hotel guests may use the on-site underground parking garage.
General parking (hourly rates; maximum $20 per day) is available in the UH Welcome Center & Parking Garage, 4434 University Dr., Houston, TX 77204.
For special accommodations at the conference, please contact Desi Miller (713-743-7565) at least 48 hours in advance.
Organizing Committee
Ashok Kumar, Ph.D.
Radbod Darabi, M.D., Ph.D.
Shahid Baba, Ph.D.
Yu Liu, Ph.D.
Marc Hamilton, Ph.D.
Ravi Singh, Ph.D.
Bradley McConnell, Ph.D., FAHA, FCVS
Vihang Narkar, Ph.D.
Yi-Ping Li, Ph.D.
Advisory Committee
F. Lamar Pritchard, Ph.D., R.Ph.
Claudia Neuhauser, Ph.D.
Robert J. Schwartz, Ph.D.
Tahir Hussain, Ph.D.
Gregory Cuny, Ph.D.
Weiyi Peng, M.D., Ph.D.