Recent Publications
Here is a list of monographs published by our former students:
- Valerie Hardcastle (MA 1987) – The Myth of Pain. MIT Press, 1999.
- Laurence “Larry” Carlin (MA 1995) – The Empiricists: A Guide for the Perplexed. Continuum, 1999
- Harvey Cormier (MA 1982) – The Truth is What Works: William James, Pragmatism, and the Seed of Death. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2000.
- Mark Cherry (BA 1991) – Kidney for Sale by Owner: Human Organs, Transplantation, and the Market. Georgetown University Press, 2005.
- Michael Madary (MA 2003) – Visual Phenomenology. MIT Press, 2016.
- Derek Jones (MA 2007) – The Biological Foundations of Action. Routledge, 2016.
- SpearIt (BA 1998) – Muslim Prisoner Litigation: An Unsung American Tradition. University of California Press, 2023.
- Mark Cherry (BA 1991) – Bioethics After God: Morality, Culture, and Medicine. University of Notre Dame Press, 2024.
- Glenn “Boomer” Trujilo (MA 2011) – The Virtue of Playfulness: Why Happy People are Playful. Routledge, 2024.
Here is a list of work our former students have published in 2024:
- Barrett Emerick (MA 2005) – “Inductive Reasoning Involving Social Kinds” (w/ Tyler Hildebrand), Journal of the American Philosophical Association.
- Isaac Wiegman (MA 2007) – “The Co-Evolution of Virtue and Desert: Debunking Intuitions About Intrinsic Value” (w/ Michael T. Dale), Synthese.
- Gerardo “Jerry” Viera (MA 2009) – “Emotions in time: The temporal unity of emotion phenomenology” (w/ Kris Goffin), Mind and Language.
- Glenn “Boomer” Trujilo (MA 2011) – “Stoicism Sucks: How Stoicism Undervalues Good Things and Exploits Vulnerable People,” Southwest Philosophy Review.
- Jay Carlson (MA 2013) – “Organizational Virtue Ethics and Moral Distress among Healthcare Workers,” Journal of Clinical Ethics.
- Christopher Frugé (MA 2015) – “Joints and Basic Ways,” Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
- Christopher Frugé (MA 2015) – “Aggregating Personal Value,” Oxford Studies in Metaethics.
- Bruce Rushing (MA 2017) – “The Habitual Horizon," Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy.
- Emmie Malone (MA 2017) – “The Ontology and Aesthetics of Genre,” Philosophy Compass.
- Ying Liu (MA 2017) – “Prudential Redemption and Its Significance,” Philosophers' Imprint.
- Spencer Paulson (MA 2018) – “Internalizing Rules,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
- Spencer Paulson (MA 2018) – “The Very Idea of Rational Irrationality,” Politics, Philosophy and Economics
- Spencer Paulson (MA 2018) – “Luck and Reasons,” Episteme.
- Nathan Gabriel (MA 2018) – “Can Confirmation Bias Improve Group Learning?” (w/ Cailin O'Connor), Philosophy of Science.
- Hunter Gentry (MA 2019) – “Transitional Gradation and the Distinction Between Episodic and Semantic Memory” (w/ Cameron Buckner). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.