Expert Services
Civil Litigation Support

UH-CFP provides evaluations
of juveniles to inform disposition
and certification decisions.
- Independent medical (mental health) evaluations
- Psychological autopsies
- Expert testimony in employment law, personal injury, and other civil litigation
- Case consultation
- Witness and trial preparation
- Records review and analysis
- Design and implementation of research on psycholegal issues
- Analysis and methodological critique of scientific research on psycholegal issues
CLE Seminar

Caption:UH-CFP's core staff has
over 60 years combined experience
in the interface between psychology
and the law.
CLE Seminars: Center faculty members are available to provide attorneys (at their place of business) with information on selected topics in forensic psychology based on the latest scientific developments.
Family Law

We are located at the University of
Houston Main Campus.
Over the past decade, the University of Houston Center for Forensic Psychology has become increasingly involved with forensic issues involving families, including forensic consultation, evaluation, and treatment. Services in this area include:

Learn about our treatment
program for children and adults
involved in contested divorces.
- Individual mental health examinations
- Case Consultation
- Individual Psychotherapy (children and adults)
- Family Therapy
Juvenile Justice

UH-CFP provides evaluations of
juveniles to inform disposition
and certification decisions.
The University of Houston Center for Forensic Psychology has an extensive history of providing services for children involved in the legal system. Such services include the evaluation of children involved in the juvenile justice system. UH-CFP provides a number of evaluation services for this population including:
- Individual Mental Health Evaluations for Dispositional Decisions
- Certification Evaluations
- Risk Assessments
In concordance with UH-CFP’s academic and professional standards, evaluations rely heavily on state-of-the-art, empirically supported assessments and interviewing techniques. The most current literature and research in the field are utilized to design evaluations that are developmentally appropriate and address the specific questions relevant to each case.
UH-CFP holds itself to the highest standards of practice and emphasizes the need for comprehensive evaluations that address multiple domains. In this effort, we maintain our role as an objective third party tasked with providing the referring agent a comprehensive and impartial analysis of the relevant issues in each case.