Emerging Trends Conversations about teaching and learning in a networked world

A partnership of the Office of the Provost and the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Past Emerging Trends
Fall 2015 Schedule
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All events will be held in the Kiva in Farish Hall.
10:00 - 11:00am.
9.11 // Integrating Video into Your Course
Taylor Fayle, Instructional Designer
In this session, we’ll cover the types of video used in higher ed courses today, tools and best practices for producing your own, and how to focus the content so that students get the most out them. With plenty of examples and time for questions and suggestions, you’ll leave with a solid foundation for creating and making better use of video in your course.
View the presentation10.9 // Leveraging GIS and Data Visualization in the Classroom
Joshua Been, Social Science Data Librarian
Data visualizations serve as both a tool to explore data as well as a means to tell the stories inherent within data. Attendees will learn about available visualization and mapping tools, explore interactive data visualizations, and discover support services available at UH. Examples discussed will include GIS, interactive visualizations, and digital humanities.
View the Presentation11.20 // Using ePortfolios to Prepare Students for the 21st Century Workforce
Karen Weber, Director, Office of Undergraduate Research
Karen Weber will discuss how students from all majors can showcase their academic and professional achievements through the use of ePortfolios, professional websites that include information on education, research, service, and leadership. When students develop ePortfolios, they have an opportunity to reflect upon their education, as well as demonstrate their best work to potential employers. This presentation will provide an overview on how ePortfolios can be used to bolster 21st century skills and help prepare students for life upon graduation.
View Presentation12.8 // Teaching in an Active Classroom
Dr. Temple Northup, Interim Director, School of Communication, Associate Professor.
Anjana Singhal, Instructional Designer
As our students become increasingly social-minded, tech savvy and practice oriented, it’s important to incorporate active learning strategies into our classrooms. This talk will focus on the topic of active learning, recommend teaching strategies, and present faculty’s perspective on teaching in an Active Learning Classroom.
Please join us for the Active Learning Classroom Open House, Cougar Place 1020,
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