Emerging Trends Conversations about teaching and learning in a networked world

A partnership of the Office of the Provost and the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Past Emerging Trends
1.29 - Faculty Insights to Online Instruction
In this session we have a panel of lecturers who will share their insights with faculty on how to design and deliver online courses.
The panel of lecturers includes:
- Becky Valls and Jackie Nalett, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, Danc 2307, Aesthetics of Movement
- Julia Kleinheider, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, WCL2352: World Cinema
- Ginger Lucas, Graduate College of Social Work, SOCW 7325 Assessment in Social Work Practice
- Matt Franchek, College of Engineering, Subsea Engineering
- Nicole Andrews, College of Education, Online Master’s program
2.26 // Online Tools for Writing Instruction
Presented by: Mark Sursavage, Assistant Director, University of Houston Writing Center
Instructional technologies and online courses open new avenues of communication, but they can also make additional demands on students who struggle to write effectively. This talk will provide guidance for using online tools, sequencing assignments and structuring discussion boards to encourage effective written communication.
3.25 // Flipping the Classroom 101 - An Introduction to Flipped Learning
12:00pm - 1:00pm / Kiva, Farish Hall
Guest Speaker: Dr. Julie Schell, University of Texas-Austin
Light lunch will be provided
Instructors all over the globe are turning their students’ worlds around by flipping their classrooms. In a flipped class, teachers move information coverage out of the lecture hall so that they can better leverage in-class time to address student difficulties and misconceptions. In this interactive session, Dr. Julie Schell will flip the workshop by providing brief introductory, pre-workshop activities to participants. She will use responses from these activities in the workshop and discuss the why, what, and how of flipped classrooms by confronting and resolving a series of common myths about flipped teaching.
This event is a partnership of College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and the Office of the Provost.

April 15, 2016 | UH Main Campus
The Innovative Teaching and Learning Symposium, a joint venture for all four UH campuses (UH-Main; UH-Downtown; UH-Clear Lake; UH-Victoria), is designed to bring together individuals interested in the review and evaluation of emerging technologies. We are interested in interactive sessions for workshops, discovery sessions, information sessions, and hands-on demonstrations that engage and inform participants.
Find out more
Watch: More Than Just Shiny Objects: Using Technology to Support Student Learning
Watch: Teaching with Classroom Response Systems to Motivate and Engage Students
9.16 // Top Hat Teaching Platform Demonstration
Top Hat is a bring-your-own-device teaching platform that helps instructors create interactive lectures. Join us for a demonstration by Top Hat representatives and learn how it is being used in UH classes. To learn more about Top Hat, visit the following link: https://tophat.com/features/
10.21 // Instructional Uses of Live Online Video Streaming
Live-streaming is a way to create and deploy live video and audio over the internet to a wide audience. In this program, instructional designers, Thanh Tran and David Dumonde, will introduce how to create and use a live-stream to supplement your instruction. Thanh will cover different ways instructors can implement live video and what to consider when preparing for it. David will introduce free tools to help get you started and show you how easy it is to use live online video streaming for lectures, demonstrations, guest speakers, group discussion, office hours, study groups, and other teaching and learning activities.
View Presentation
11.11 // Indexed Captioned Searchable Videos
Location: CBB 238
Video recordings of classroom lectures have proven to be a popular learning companion at the University of Houston. Our surveys of students at the University of Houston, dating back over a decade, have consistently revealed that i) Students consider video lectures extremely valuable and use them for diverse purposes such as reviewing difficult concepts and preparing for quizzes and ii) A big shortcoming of the video format is the difficulty in quickly reaching the content of interest. The goal of the ICS Videos project is to enable users to rapidly search and access a topic of interest with automatic video indexing, search within and across videos, and captioning. This talk will report on the development and evaluation of ICS videos framework by integrating and enhancing diverse technologies spanning optical character recognition, image analysis, and text analysis. Assessment of the value of ICS Videos as a learning resource, based on 1000s of student surveys and interviews across the departments of Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth and Atmospheric Science, Physics, and Psychology, will also be reported. ICS videos framework is freely available to interested users.
Jaspal Subhlok is a Professor of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Houston. He currently serves as the Chair of the Computer Science Department. His research interests are primarily focused on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Educational Technologies. He was awarded the University of Houston Teaching Excellence Award for Innovative Educational Technologies and Department of Computer Science award for Teaching Excellence as well as for Research Excellence.
12.09 // Teaching with an iPad - Opportunities and Challenges
Location: Kiva
Touch screen tablets have revolutionized task completion in a variety of settings, and higher education makes no exception. Educators can take advantage of the rich mobile technology ecosystems and design interactive instructional material and methods. The presentation calls for a critical discussion of the opportunities and challenges of teaching using iPads in higher education.
Presenter: Cristian Morosan, University of Houston