Emerging Trends Conversations about teaching and learning in a networked world

A partnership of the Office of the Provost and the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
02.03 // Copyright in the Online Environment and Ares Course Reserves
Location: Kiva in Farish Hall
Do you ever worry about potential copyright risks when posting digital materials for students in Blackboard? Join librarians from the UH Libraries' Copyright Team for a discussion on how tools provided by the Libraries, particularly the Ares Course Reserves System, can help you negotiate and minimize those risks. They will also provide general information on your rights and responsibilities as an educator regarding copyright issues in online learning management systems.
03.22 // Transitioning to Online Learning
Location: Agnes Arnold Hall Room 210
This program will focus on considerations and tips for a smooth transition to online teaching and learning. Instructional designers Todd Juneau and Thanh Tran will go over essential elements to include in an online course. Then, instructional designer Andrea Arias-Rodriguez will discuss how you can use lecture capture to support your course. Finally, Dr. Susie Gronseth from the College of Education will share strategies for planning online and hybrid courses and innovative ideas for teaching and engaging students.
Supplemental Materials
04.07 // Digital Humanities
Location: Agnes Arnold Hall Room 110
Scholars are increasingly using computational methods and digital media to open up new vistas in our pursuit of humanistic inquiry. In this panel, we will explore the broad range of digital humanities (DH) projects with UH Faculty who engage this style of research. Dr. Cameron Buckner (Philosophy) and Dr. Kristina Neumann (History) will discuss their own DH projects and Santi Thompson (MDA Library) will share how the library supports DH research.
09.22 // Getting the Most out of Turnitin
Location: Agnes Arnold Hall, Room 210
Turnitin is one of the most heavily used educational technologies at UH. However, many instructors use it only to determine if students have improperly used another author’s work without proper citation. With the release of Turnitin’s new Feedback Studio over the summer, there is a lot more that can be done with the platform to coach your students to become better writers. In this session, we’ll dig deep into all the features that Turnitin Feedback Studio offers so that you can get the most out of a tool you probably already use.
10.20 // Teaching during a Disaster
Location: Zoom online interactive meeting
The URL will appear on your registration confirmation
Hurricane Harvey forced everyone in the UH community to shift priorities and concerns. In this self-reflective Emerging Trends in Technology session, we invite the faculty to come together online to discuss instructional continuity practices that worked and didn’t work so well to help us all for future campus emergency closures. Instructional Designers will be available to provide suggestions for quickly getting content and videos online. We hope you can join the conversation.
11.10 // Storytelling with Data
Location: Agnes Arnold Hall, Room 210
The process of exploring data and inserting it into a visual context is called data visualization. Data visualization tools are often used to tell a clear story with the data. Claude Willan, Director of Digital Research Commons at University of Houston Libraries, Lindita Camaj, Associate Professor at School of Communication, and Wenli Gao, Data Services Librarian will talk about concepts and principles of data visualization and the process of acquiring, cleaning, and creating visualization. They will also demonstrate freely available tools for your research and instruction. Audience will learn not only the conceptual aspect of data visualization, but also get to know some freely available tools for data visualization.
Presentation Resources
Lindita Camaj - Data Storytelling Powerpoint
Wenli Gao - http://guides.lib.uh.edu/dv